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contractor shall not begin before notification to the sites representative, and Government personnel shall
be allowed to observe their actions. The contractor shall provide all loader consumables required in the
course of the test except for diesel fuel, water, compressed air and electrical power which will be fur-
nished. The contractor shall provide on-site familiarization to the operators and mechanics as necessary
to perform this test. Test operations shall simulate normal Air Force usage and will not exceed any per-
formance requirements defined by Section 3 of this purchase description. Noncompliance with the per-
formance requirements of this purchase description shall be cause for rejection. The contractor shall
maintain a daily log. The log shall be signed by the locations representative and the contractor after each
day of activity. The daily log shall document, but not be limited to, the following:
Operating time.
Tasks completed.
Technical manual errors
All failures and corrective actions taken.
Operational problems encountered.
The contractor shall report the user test results, including daily logs of activities, in the first article inspe-
tion report.
4.6.13 Shock dynamic and finite element analysis vertification I t s h a l l b e s h o w n b y t h e u s e o f f i n i t e
element analysis, which shall include a working paper, stress plots and mode analysis, that the frame pro-
posed by the manufacturer for the fabrication of this vehicle shall maintain its structural integrity over the
life of the vehicle. The analysis shall include all stress, dynamic loading, vibrational distortions and shock
loading that would be imposed on the frame during normal operational use and in accordance with the
performance specification described in this specification. The frame materials allowable stress used in
this frame design shall be in accordance with the following order of precedence:
MIL Handbook 5.
Code AISC.
Code ASME.
Code ASTM.
Code SAE
Refurbishment. After successful completion of the all required testing, each vehicle shall be
restored to like new condition
Preparation for delivery shall be in accordance with the terms of the contract.
(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful. but
IS not mandatory. )
Intended use. The tractors furnished under this document will be used for towing aircraft loads
of not more than 70,000 pounds and support equipment loads of not more than 40,000 pounds on level
surfaces This tractor shall also be capable of towing support equipment loads of 25,000 pounds on 3
percent grades and 20,000 pounds on 5 percent grades at a minimum of 10 MPH.
data. Procurement documents should specify the following:
a. Title number and date of this specification
b Preproduction mode if required (see 3.17)
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