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3.6,4.1 Power Meter Model HP-432A. The principal functional element of the
power meter drawer assembly shall be Power Meter Model HP-432A or equal.
For functional description of the power meter, refer to Instruction Manual
for Power Meter and Thermistor Mount, Hewlett-Packard Model HP-432A. The
power meter shall meet the manufacturer's specification for Power Meter
Model HP-432A. Power meter function. The power meter shall be capable of
measuring the RF power of the weapon video received and telemetry signals
from the test set transmitter. The self lead coaxial cable of the power
meter shall be capable of being connected to receiver drawer connectors J2
(for measuring video) and J3 (for measuring telemetry). The front panel of
the power meter shall contain the connector, controls and indicators for the
power meter. Thermistor mount connector. The thermistor mount connector shall
connect the thermistor mount to the power meter. Meter mechanical zero control. The meter mechanical zero control
shall provide capability for zero adjusting the meter using a screwdriver. POWER ON-OFF switch. This switch shall control the 115 volt ac,
60 Hz power to the power meter. The AC LINE indicator shall illuminate when
POWER ON-OFF switch is in the ON position indicating power is applied to the
power meter. mw-RANGE-dBm switch. The mw-RANGE-dBm switch shall provide
capability for the selection of proper meter range. COARSE ZERO control. The COARSE ZERO control shall provide
capability for the meter to be roughly zero adjusted, electrically.
3, FINE ZERO control. The FINE ZERO control shall provide
capability for the meter to be more accurately adjusted, electrically. CALIBRATION FACTOR switch. The CALIBRATION FACTOR switch shall
provide capability for selecting the desired calibration factor.
3.6.5 Data link test assembly. The data link test assembly shall be
manufactured in accordance with DL412AS9000 and shall meet the requirements
stated thereon and in through Data link test assembly functions. The data link test assembly
shall be the central point for inserting data link and telemetry commands
(see figure 5). Data link switches/controls shall connect the outputs of
voltage controlled oscillators to the transmitter via mixer amplifier for
data link commands or via mixer amplifier and encoder assembly for data link
Phase II commands. The data link test assembly controls and major
subassemblies shall be as specified in through CONTROLLER (CT1).
The CONTROLLER (Joy Stick) shall be capable of
remote controlling the weapon's target tracking circuit. The COMMAND
OVERRIDE switch 1A4S11, mounted on the CONTROLLER, shall provide the
capability for overriding the weapon's automatic tracking circuits allowing
the CONTROLLER to function. The controller shall consist of two pairs of
semiconductor strain gauges mounted on a beam assembly in the controller.
Pressure applied to the controller shall provide two dc outputs to a
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