| ![]() MIL-T-972OF(USAF) Heat exchanger.
The heat exchanger on the l i f t t r u c k s h a l l l i m i t
the hydrostatic fluid temperature to +200 F with the lift truck loaded to
capacity and traveling at maximum speed on a smooth level surface.
temperature requirement applies to non-continuous (normal) operation of the
During the continuous operation encountered in road testing (see
lift truck.
4.6.7), the maximum allowable temperature shall be +210F.
The lift truck will be powered by an air cooled engine.
3.6.2 Engine.
T h e t y p e 1 l i f t t r u c k w i l l h a v e a g a s o l i n e e n g i n e c o n f o r m i n g to USAF Drawing
N o . 69E51584.
The type 2 lift truck will be powered by a diesel engine con-
f o r m i n g to USAF Drawing No. 8141033.
The operating speed of the engine shall
be :
Type 1 - 2400/2550 RPM
Type 2 - 2500/2650 RPM
idle speed for both engines shall be 1100/1300 RPM.
The type 1 lift truck shall operate on 73 octane gasoline F u e l .
p e r MIL-G-3056.
The type 2 lift truck shall operate on diesel per VV-F-800,
o r t u r b i n e f u e l s , grades JP-4 or JP-5 per MIL-T-5624 and grade JP-8 per
3 . 6 . 2 . 1 . 1 T e s t f u e l s . The environmental tests, paragraph 4.6.3, and the
r o a d t e s t s , paragraph 4.6.7. shall be conducted using JP-4 fuel.
Other tests
TP-4 fuel is not readily available on
shall use commercial DF-2 diesel fuel,
the commercial market. The supplier is responsible for coordination JP-4 fuel
purchase, through the procuring activity, from the nearest Air Force installa-
tion and the associated bulk fuel transfer and storage.
The type 1 lift truck shall have a 24 volt elec
3.6.3 Electrical system.
trical system
It shall incorporate an alternator system and a voltage regu-
l a t o r . The alternator shall produce sufficient power to prevent battery dis-
charge when the engine is at operating speed and with the vehicle lights
turned on.
The type 2 l i f t t r u c k s h a l l h a v e a 1 2 v o l t e l e c t r i c a l s y s t e m . I t
shall incorporate an internal flywheel type alternator and a voltage regulator.
The alternator shall produce sufficient power to prevent battery discharge
when the engine is at operating speed and with the vehicle lights turned-on.
At maximum engine operating speed (3.6.2), t h e a l t e r n a t o r s h a l l p r o v i d e n o t
less than 10 amps. Starting system.
The starting system shall include a lead acid
battery, starting motor, and starting switch.
The type 1 lift truck shall
incorporate a battery conforming to MIL-B-11188.
The type 2 lift truck shall
I n c o r p o r a t e a 7 5 a m p - h o u r ( m i n i m u m ) b a t t e r y c o n f o r m i n g t o S A E G r o u p 2 4 . As an
a i d i n c o l d s t a r t i n g t h e t y p e 2 lift truck shall be equipped with two mani-
fold heaters and a switch mounted on the instrument panel for activation of the
The battery shall have sufficient capacity to start the engine when
tested. in accordance with
3.6.4 L i g h t i n g s y s t e m The lift truck shall be provided with a spotlight,
a backup l i g i h t , a n d r e f l e c t o r s .
Reflectors shall be in accordance with
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