| ![]() MIL-T-971OF(USAF)
The lifting arms shall be of sufficient strength to Lifting arms.
prevent tilting of stores during adjustment operations fore, aft, or laterally.
Provisions shall be made for transfer of the weight
3.6.10 Load transfer.
of the loaded lifting arms to the main frame for relieving the hydraulic system
while the load is being transported.
3.6.11 Instrument panel. The lift truck shall be provided with an instru-
ment panel which will contain all switches, gages, etc. , required for normal
starting and operation,
The lift truck lifting arms shall be provided with an
3.6.12 Cradle.
adjustable cradle for nesting and positioning the stores.
The cradle shall
be so designed that it will always be lower than the underside of stores,
during loading and unloading operations.
This cradle shall be equipped in
such a manner as to nave four separate motions.
The cradle shall impart to the weapon or store a yaw move- Y a w .
The yaw movement shall
ment of 360 degrees minimum to either side of center.
be manually operated.
The cradle shall impart to tile weapon or store a tilt move- Tilt.
The tilt motion shall be
ment of 5 degrees minimum nose up or nose down.
hydraulically powered.
The cradle shall impart to the weapon or store a Longitudinal.
l o n g i t u d i n a l m o v e m e n t o f 2 3/8 inches minimum fore or aft of center.
longitudinal motion shall be hydraulically powered.
The cradle shall impart to the weapon or store a lateral Lateral.
movement of 2 3/8 inches minimum right or left of center. L a t e i a l m o t i o n s h a l l
by hydraulically powered.
Controls for adjustment of tilt, Cradle adjustment controls.
l a t e r a l , longitudinal , and of raising and lowering of the cradle shall be
located on the cradle bed. Yaw adjustments shall be accomplished by manually
pivoting the cradle on the bed.
The cradle shall be provided with adjustable Cradle rollers.
rollers for nesting stores of different diameters, in accordance with the
The holes will be coded to conform to the different
applicable drawing.
diameter requirements.
The cradle shall be provided with a quick con- Tie-down strap.
necting and disconnecting nylon tie-down strap with sufficient capacity to
hold stores to the cradle during transportation.
3.7 Interchangeability.
All parts having the same part number shall be
functionally and dimensionally Interchangeable.
Treatment and painting shall be in accordance
3.8 Treatment and painting.
Color shall
with MIL-STD-808 in conjunction with USAF Drawing No. 7545352.
be No. 2 4 0 5 2 per FED-STD-595.
Functional and operational controls shall be
3.9 Operation markings.
properly indicated and coded.
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