| MIL-V-17360E
4.5.9 Handle and lever 'test(class'B valves only). A load of 200 pounds
shall be applied vertically to the. carrying handle as normally installed on the
valve. There shall be no evidence of'damage to or permanent distortion of the
carrying handle or attaching parts." The valve shall be pressurized to 2000
lb/in2 through the inlet connection and cycled for 100 operations by manual
operation of the lever. " Failure to operate, evidence of damage, or- permanent
distortion of the operating" lever or attaching parts shall constitute failure
of this test.
4.5.10 Pressure relief "device tests. - The sample disks selected in accor-
dance with shall be tested in accordance with CGA C-14 and S-1.1.
4.5.11 Hydrostatic tests. . The 'valves shall have the pressure relief device
removed and replaced with a solid plug. `The valve outlets, including pilot fill-
ing connection, shall be unobstructed. The valve shall be subjected to a hydro-
static pressure of 3360 lb/in2 at. the inlet connection for a period of 10 minutes
without evidence of leakage through- the body or valve seats.
4.6 Inspection of packaging. Sample packages and packs, and the inspection
of the preservation-packaging, packing and marking for shipment and storage shall
be in accordance with the requirements of section 5 and the documents specified
(The packaging requirements specified herein apply only for direct Govern-
ment acquisition. For the extent of applicability of the packaging requirements
of referenced documents listed in section 2, see 6.4.)
5.1 Preservation and packing. Valves and valve parts shall be preserved
level A, C or commercial and packed level A, B, C or commercial as specified
(see 6.2.1) and marked in accordance with MIL-V-3.
5.2 Valve and thread protection. External (male) threads and openings on
class C cylinder valves shall be protected by a screw cap of brass or plastic
material to prevent burring of threads or accumulation of dirt in the outlet
connections. Each cap shall be provided with a suitably located vent hole to
permit the escape of gas pressure which may leak through the valve seat. Inlet
threaded connections, when exposed, shall be protected by a plastic cap or card-
board ferrule.
6.1 Intended use. The valves covered by this specification are intended
for installation in cylinders used in carbon dioxide fire extinguishers and
systems specified in MIL-E-2185, MIL-E-2186, and MIL-E-24269.
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