| ![]() MIL-V-17501F(SH)
4.6.2 Vibration. Type I vibration tests for the valve shall be conducted in accordance with
M I L - S T D - 1 6 7 - 1 . The valve shall be considered acceptable with respect to the vibration
requirement if it continues to perform, as specified, during and after the vibration tests and shows
no evidence of weakness or derangement. Operating mechanisms shall not move from the set
4.6.3 Hydrostatic test. Assembled valves shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test with the
valves in the full open position. The valve shall be pressurized to not less than 375
and the
pressure maintained for not less than 5 minutes during which time the valve shall be examined.
Type I, class 1 valves with removable test fittings shall be retested with the test fitting in place
and capped. Valve operating chambers shall be hydrostatically tested to 1.5 times the required max-
imum constructed operating pressure. The valve shall be considered acceptable with respect to
the hydrostatic test requirements in 3.5.1 if it has not shown material deformation, rupture, leakage,
or sweating.
4.6.4 Leakage test Assembled valves shall be subjected to a water leakage test to determine
applied to the inlet side of the valve
valve seating tightness. Valves shall be tested with 40
with the discharge side of the valve open for inspection. Type II three-position valves shall have
both discharge sides open for inspection. Leakage under this test shall be cause for rejection.
4.6.5 Operational test. Assembled valves shall be tested for smooth and rapid operation
within the designed pressure range. Valves shall not hunt, chatter, pound, or create excessive noise.
Operating mechanisms shall move smoothly and rapidly with minimal amount of force. Locking
devices shall be demonstrated for providing the required protection.
4.6.6 Service life test. Assembled valves shall be subjected to an accelerated service life test
consisting of repeated opening and closing of the valve for not less than 2,500 cycles without
failure. Reliability under repeated operations shall be determined.
4.6.7 Simulative service test Assembled valves shall be installed in a simulated shipboard
sprinkler system and operated at the design pressure for a period of not less than 6 months or a
satisfactory period as determined by the qualifying activity.
4.7 Inspection of packaging. Sample packs, and the inspection of the preservation-packaging,
packing, and marking for shipment and storage shall be in accordance with the requirements of
section 5 and the documents specified therein.
(The packaging requirements specified herein apply only for direct Government acquisition. For
the extent of applicability of the packaging requirements of referenced documents listed in section
2, see 6.7.)
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