| MIL-V-19067A(ASG)
4.4.9.l High temerature cycling - automatic checking operation- The valve
shall be subjected to 7,500 cycles of automatic checking operation at a temperature of
275F. Upon completion of these 7,500 cycles, the valve shall be soaked at a temperature
of 275F for a period of 1 hour with rated pressure applied to the valve in the reverse-
flow direction. The pressure shall then be relieved to approximately zero and the valve
soaked for a period of 1 hour at a temperature of 275F. The temperature shall then be
reduced to a range of 70 to 120F,and the Operational tests (Checking time and Cracking
pressure (4.4.6)) shall reconducted, and the requirement therein shall be satisfied.
The temperature shall then be lowered to not warmer than 45F, the Operational tests
shall be conducted, and the requirements therein shall be satisfied.
Intermediate temperature cycling - automatic checking operation.- The
valve shall then be subjected to 22,500 cycles of automatic checking operation at a
temperature of 225F. Upon completion of these 22,500 cycles, the High temperature
functioning test ( shall be conducted at a temperature of 225F and the require-
ments therein shall be satisfied. The temperature of the test setup shall then be reduced
to a range of 70 to 120F and the fluid temperature stabilized at 100F. The Qualifi-
cation test for leakage (4.4.5) shall then be conducted and the requirements therein shall
be satisfied. High temperature cycling - manual control operation - The valve shall be
subjected to 5,000 cycles of manual control operation at a temperature of 275F. Upon
completion of these 5,000 cycles, the valve shall be Soaked at a temperature of 275F for
a period of 1 hour with rated pressure applied to the valve in the reverse-fbw direction.
The pressure shall then be relieved to approximately zero and the valve soaked for a
period of 1 hour at a temperature of 275F. The temperature shall then be reduced to a
range of 70 to 1200F, and Operational tests (Checking time and Cracking pressure(4.4.6))
shall be conducted and the requirements therein shall be satisfied. The temperature shall
then be lowered to not warmer than -650F, the Operational tests shall be conducted, and the
requirements therein shall be satisfied. Intermediate temperature cycling - manual control operation.- The ValVe
shall then be subjected to 15,000 cycles of manual control operation at a temperature
of 225F. Upon completion of these 15,000 cycles} the High-temperature functioning test
( shall be conducted at a temperature of 225F,and the requirements therein shall
be satisfied. The temperature of the test setup shall then be reduced to a range of 700F
to 120F and the fluid temperature stabilized at l00F. The Qualification test for
leakage (4.4.5) shall then be conducted,and the requirements therein shall be satisfied.
4.4.10 Control lever stops ruggedness - A moment of 1,800 pound-inches torque
shall be applied to the stop mechanical in each direction 10 times. At the completion of
this test, the stop mechanism shall not have failed. Brinelling or normal wear shall not
constitute failure.
Burst pressure - This test shall be perfomed at a temperature of 275F.
Any suitable fluid may be used for this test. Hydraulic pressure shall be applied in the
free-flow direction with the outlet port plugged at a rate of approximately 25,000 psi
per minute, until a burst pressure of 7,500 psi is obtained. The valve shall withstand
this burst pressure for a period of 2 minutes without rupture of internal or external
4.5 Acceptance tests.- Each valve to be furnished under contract shall be examined
to determine conformance with the material and design requirements of this specification
and shall be subjected to the following tests described under "Acceptance test methods":
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