| ![]() MIL-V-24642(SH)
by the Government under a previous contract for identical item acquired to this
specification. This does not apply to specific data which may be required for
each contract regardless of whether an identical Item has been supplied
previously (for example, test reports). Limited rights legend. When the Government has only limited
rights in the data shown on the drawings, as determined by the contractual
provisions regarding rights in technical data, the drawings furnished may
be marked with the following restrictive legend:
"Furnished under United States Contract No.
. Shall not be
either released outside the Government, or used, duplicated, or disclosed
in whole or in part for manufacture or acquisition, without the written
permission of
, except for:
(a) emergency repairs or
overhaul work by or for the Government, where the item or process con-
cerned is not otherwise reasonably available to enable timely performance
of the work; Or (b) release to a foreign government, as the interests of
the United States may require; provided that in either case the release,
use, duplication or disclosure hereof shall be subject to the foregoing
limitations. This legend shall be marked on any reproduction hereof in
whole or in part."
6.3 First article inspection. Invitations for bids should provide that
the Government reserves the right to waive the requirement for samples for
first article inspection as to those bidders offering a product which has been
previously acquired or tested by the Government, and that bidders offering such
products, who wish to rely on such production or test, must furnish evidence
with the bid that prior Government approval is presently appropriate for the
pending contract.
6.4 Sub-contracted material and parts. The preparation for delivery
requirements of referenced documents listed in section 2 do not apply when
material and parts are acquired by the contractor for incorporation into the
equipment and lose their separate identity when the equipment is shipped.
6.5 Provisioning. Provisioning Technical Documentation (PTD), spare
parts, and repair parts should be furnished as specified in the contract.
6.5.1 When ordering spare parts or repair parts for the equipment covered
by this specification, the contract should state that such spare parts and
repair parts should meet the same requirements and quality assurance provisions
as the parts used in the manufacture of the equipment. Packaging for such parts
should also be specified.
Preparing activity:
Navy - SH
(Project 4810-N054)
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