| ![]() MIL-V-27296C
* 3.6.7 Exhalation resistance - pressure breathing. The differential pressure shall be between 0.1 and 1.5 inches
of water (gage) with a flow in the range of 0.1 and 50 liters per minute and a pressure within the range of 0.5 to
14 inches of water (gauge) (see 4.6.8).
* 3.6.8 Overload. The Valve shall not leak in excess of 1.0 liter per minute when a pressure of 20 inches of
water (gauge) is applied to both sides of the valve (4.6.9).
* 3.6.9 Capacity. The differential pressure shall not exceed 2.6 inches of water (gauge) with a regulator
pressure of 0.5 to 14 inches of water (gauge) and a water flow increasing through the ranged 10 to 100 liters per
minute (see 4.6.10).
* 3.6.10 Leakage - suction, high inlet valve. Back leakage through the valve shall be not more than 150
mililiters per minute with a suction of 20 inches of water (gauge) (see 4.6.11).
3.6.11 High and low temperature operation. The valve shall be capable of satisfactory operation at
temperature of +160 F and -40 F (see 4.6.12).
* 3.6.12 Burst pressure. The valve diaphragm shall be capable of withstanding a pressure of 5 PSIG without
rupture (see 4.6.13).
3.6.13 Low temperature storage and vibration. The valve shall be capable of satisfactory operation after
vibration at -65 F and exposure to -850F (see 4.6.14).
3.6.14 Orientation. The valve shall be capable of satisfactory operation with the reference axis of the valve in
the horizontal position (see 4.6.15).
3.6.15 Effects on communication. The valve shall not adversely affect speech communication at any altitude
from zero to 32,000 feet (see 4.6.16).
3.6.16 Acceleration unseating of exhalation valve. The exhalation valve shall not be reseated when the
combination valve is subjected to accelerations up to nine times the force of gravity (see 4.6.17).
3.6.17 Suction unseating of exhalaton valve. Back leakage through the exhalation valve shall be not more
than 100 milliliters per minute when a suction of 10 inches of water (gauge) at the regulator end and a suction of 5
inches Of Water (gauge) at the mask end of the valve are applied simultaneously (see 4.6.18).
3.6.18 Subjective use. When insalled in a type MBU-5/P oxygen mask conforming to MIL-M-27274 or an
MBU-12/P oxygen mask conforming to MIL-M-87163, as applicable, and used by human subjects, the valve shall
not have any detrimental or objectionable performance characteristics at altitudes from ground level to 50,000 feet
at temperatures from -40 F to +118 F, or any combinations of such altitude and temperature. The valve shall also
operate at 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 times the force of gravity when the subject is performing an anti-g
straining maneuver (see 4.6.19).
* 3.6.19 Restraint cable retention pin strength. The valve shall have a restraint cable retention pin similar to
the one shown on figure 2. The valve body and cap shall not be damaged or pulled free, and the restraint cable
retention pin shall not be pulled free from its anchor point when tested as specified (see 4.6.20).
* 3.6.20 Valve installation strength. This test only applies to the MBU-12/P oxygen mask. The valve body and
cap shall not fail or be separated when tested as specified (see 4.6.21).
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