| ![]() MIL-V-29592(AS)
4.5.3 Failure of sampling test. When an automatic air vent valve fails to
pass a sampling test, the entire lot represented by the sample shall be rejected.
The lot represented by the unsatisfactory sample shall not be resubmitted until
approval of resubmission has been issued by the procuring agency (see 6.3).
4.6 Test conditions.
4.6.1 Test fluid. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the hydraulic
fluid used for all tests shall conform to MIL-H-83282. For quality
conformance tests, hydraulic fluid conforming to MIL-H-6083, MIL-H-5606, or
MIL-H-46170 may be used.
4.6.2 Test fluid temperature. Unless otherwise specified in 4.7, the
actual temperature of the test fluid shall be maintained at 650F to 950F
through the duration of the test.
4.6.3 Environmental temperature. Unless otherwise specified in 4.7,
tests shall be conducted at a room temperature of 65 to 95F measured within
12 inches of the sample.
4.6.4 Test sample position. Unless otherwise specified in 4.7, the test
specimen shall be mounted in an upright position with the air vent valve port
on top of the automatic air vent valve in a vertical position.
4.7 Test methods. Either Class I or Class II automatic air vent valve
test procedures shall be conducted as required.
4.7.1 Examination of product. Examine each automatic air vent valve for
conformance to the applicable military specification sheet and to the
requirements of MIL-H-8775.
4.7.2 Fluid immersion. The automatic air vent valve shall be immersed in
hydraulic fluid conforming to MIL-H-83282 for 72 hours, at a fluid temperature
of 270 to 275F prior to conducting the first article tests specified
herein. All internal and external parts of the automatic air vent valve shall
be in contact with the fluid during the immersion test. After the 72 hour
soak period, the automatic air vent valve shall be subjected to the next test
immediately or remain in the fluid at room temperature until ready for the
next test.
4.7.3 Proof pressure. The automatic air vent valve shall be removed from
the hydraulic fluid and the external surfaces shall be wiped dry and cleaned
of any residual fluid. A proof pressure of 150 percent of the maximum opera-
ting pressure, as specified in the applicable military specification sheet,
shall be applied to the automatic air vent valve inlet while the automatic air
vent valve is stabilized at a fluid and environmental temperature of 270 to
2750F. The air vent valve port shall be open to the atmosphere during this
test. The rate of pressure rise shall not exceed 25,000 psi/rein. The fluid
pressure shall be applied for 5 minutes. There shall be no external leakage
indicated by wetness on a dry wiping towel applied to the external surfaces
except for vented fluid from the outlet not exceeding the quantity specified
on the specification sheet for one cycle. There shall be no evidence of
permanent deformation. For quality conformance testin, proof pressure shall
be applied at a fluid and environmental temperature of 65 to 95F and held
for two minutes. There shall be no visible external leakage as indicated by
wetness on a dry wiping towel applied to the external surfaces except for oil
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