| ![]() MIL-V-48190 (AR)
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise
specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier
is responsible for the performance of all inspection re-
quirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise speci-
fied in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own
or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the
inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved
by the Government. The Government reserves the riqht to
perform any of the inspections set forth in the specificat-
ion where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure
supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.2 First article inspection. Not applicable.
4.3 Quality conformance inspection.
4.3.1 Lot formation. Production lot.
A lot shall consist of parts
and assemblies produced by one manufacturer in one unchanged
process, in accordance with the same drawing, same drawing
revision, same specification and same specification revision.
Drawing, specification and process changes not affecting
safety, performance, storage, or interchangeability, as de-
termined by the Government, shall not necessitate changing
the lot interfix number. The criteria and procedures For the
assignment of lot number's shall be in accordance with MIL-
STD-1168. Inspection lot. A lot or batch and its forma-
tion, size, and presentation is described in MIL-STD-105,
Section 5. Accordingly, a lot shall mean an inspection lot
and a batch shall mean an inspection batch for the purpose
of this specification. The manner in which each inspection
lot or batch is to be presented and identified by the con-
tractor, shall be designated or approved by the Government
4.3.2 Product inspection examination. Critical
characteristics shall require 100 percent inspection of all
items in the inspection lot. A sample shall be selected at
random from each inspection lot in accordance with the ap-
plicable major or minor characteristic table (see Table I
and Table II), and inspected for all characteristics in the
applicable classification. Any characteristics in the sample
found to be defective shall reject the inspection lot. Se-
quence for the inspection of characteristics in each classi-
fication need not be followed as long as all characteristic
inspections are performed.
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