| MIL-V-5525C
the unit under test shall be removed from the
tioning. In cases where brake valves will re-
cold chamber to outside room temperature and
ceive fluid or be subjected to an ambient tem-
allowed to warm rapidly. When the external
perature in excess of 71" C (160" F), they
temperature reaches 4 C (40 F) sufficient
shall be required to operate at this high tem-
actuations of the brake valve shall be made to
perature without malfunction.
prove that no binding exists in the unit Low temperature operation. A typi-
throughout the fast warmup period. Leakage
cal setup for low temperature operation is in-
tests shall also be accomplished during this
dicated on figure 5. With the brake valve in
period, and leakage shall not exceed that per-
the brake off position, the accumulator shall
mitted at -54 C (-65 F).
be charged to approximately 3,000 psi; how-
ever, the valve between the accumulator and High temperature operation. The
the brake valve shall be so closed that 2 to 10
brake valve shall be tested for binding, leak-
psi is applied to the brake valve. The system
age, and other malfunctioning at a tempera-
shall then be shred to stand for at least 24
ture of 71 C (160 F) or higher under the
hours at a temperature not higher than
conditions specified in 4.7.8. This test may be
-- 54" C (-- 65 F) if the brake valve con-
run at the termination of the immersion period
tains nonmetallic parts other than standard
or any other convenient time so long as the
packing installed in accordance with Specifica-
assembly remains at the specified temperature
tion MIL-P-5514 or inert plastics. In the
long enough to insure that the entire unit, in-
event that no nonmetallic materials, other than
cluding the fluid, is at the elevated tempera-
standard packing installed in accordance with
ture. During this test. there shall be no evi-
Specification MIL-P-5514 or inert plastics
dence of binding or other malfunctioning. The
are used, this time may be reduced to 4 hours.
leakage at 49 C (120 F ) shall be not more
than the leakage permitted at room tempera-
During the soaking period, there shall be no
ture, and the leakage at temperature above
external leakage, and internal leakage, as not-
49 C (120 F shall be not more than twice
ed at the return port, shall not exceed that
that permitted at room temperature).
permitted by the detail specification or draw-
ing. Pressure shall then be applied to the
4.8 Packing, packaging, and marking. The
brake valve inlet port and allowed to remain
inspector shall ascertain that the packing,
on for at least 15 minutes. There shall be no
packaging, and marking of the brake valves
evidence of external leakage, and internal leak-
conform to the requirements of section 5.
age, as noted at the return Port, shall not ex-
ceed that specified in 4.7.5. At the end of this.
period, the brake valve shall be actuated to
the full on position and allowed to remain thus
for 1 hour. The force required for full brake
5.1 The provisions contained in section 5 of
application shall not exceed 110 percent of
Specification MIL-H-8775, as applicable, shall
that required at normal temperature, and the
form a part of this specification.
pressure at the brake port shall be the full
rated pressure of the valve tested. During this
period, there shall be no external leakage, and
internal leakage, as noted at the return port,
6.1 Intended use. The hydraulic power
shall not exceed that specified in 4.7.5. The
brake valves covered by this specification
brake valve shall then be returned to the "off"
are intended for use in aircraft hydraulic
position and the brake port pressure shall be
brake systems as covered by Specifications
reduced to O psi.
MIL-H-5440 and MIL-B-8584. Operation during fast warmup. Upon
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents
completion of the tests at -- 54 C (-65 F),
should specify the following:
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