| ![]() MIL-V-62008B(AT)
3.6.2 Power package and train. When power package is installed in accordance with
applicable drawings, it shall function throughout all gear and speed ranges without loss of
lubricants. The power train and associated controls shall be capable of operation throughout all
speed and steering ranges without binding of linkages, loss of lubricants, grabbing, and
chattering or slippage when controls are applied to steer, stop, and hold vehicle.
3.6.3 Speeds. Level road speeds. Vehicle shall operate at sustained speeds of 30 mph and at
2.5 mph on level ground without damage to power plant and power train. When traveling
between 25 and 30 mph in a straight line, the vehicle drift shall not exceed 3 feet in one 100 feet. Grade speeds. Vehicle shall operate at a sustained speed of 10 mph while
ascending a 10 percent grade, and at 18 mph while ascending a 3 percent grade.
3.6.4 Acceleration. Vehicle shall accelerate from a standing start on level ground
through a distance of 200 feet in not more than 13 seconds.
3.6.5 Engine starting on grades and slopes. With the vehicle standing on a 60 percent
grade for not less than 2 minutes, and engine operating under no load between 700 and 750 rpm,
the engine shall be stopped for not less than 2 minutes. The engine shall restart in not more than
1 minute when on up and down grade. Similar engine stopping and starting operation shall be
performed on 30 percent right and left side slopes.
3.6.6 Braking and drift. Stopping. Vehicle traveling at 20 mph shall stop within 60 feet from point of
brake application; drift not to exceed 4 feet when stopping. Holding. With vehicle combat loaded or with a simulated equal weight and
standing on a 60 percent grade with service brakes applied, the vehicle shall be held stationary
when on up and down grade. With parking brake engaged and all other holding devices
inoperative, the vehicle shall be held stationary when on up and down grades.
3.6.7 Turning. Vehicle shall pivot 360 to the right or left, in neutral steer range, within
a circle 35 feet in diameter.
3.6.8 Fording. Shallow water. Vehicle shall ford a level, hard-bottom body of water 48 inches
in depth including wave without special equipment. With vehicle standing in water 48 inches in
depth for 30 minutes, the accumulation of water shall not be more than 1-1/2-inch on the crew
compartment hull floor measured in the center of the "v" and there shall be no water
accumulation in the right or left brake housings (see 6.6).
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