| ![]() MIL-V-62008B(AT)
a. Alignment telescope and breech adapter shall be inserted in gun tube at breech
end of main gun. The alignment telescope shall be focused on target board for
sharp definition and minimum of parallax as viewed from the breech position.
The gun shall be laid on its zero elevation point.
b. The gun tube shall be leveled by laying gun from low to high until the split
level inserted in the barrel adapter reads level.
c. Target shall be positioned with respect to gun trunnions as follows:
When the gun is leveled in (b) above, the horizontal (zero) gun aiming
point target shall be in line with the crosshair reticle as viewed through
the alignment telescope within 1/8-inch. The target board shall be raised
or lowered to position the aiming point.
The gun shall be elevated to its 15 aiming point target and the target
board rotated, if necessary, to superimpose the reticle on the 15 aiming
point. When the target board is positioned so that elevation or
depression of the gun results in the reticle traveling exactly through the
zero elevation and 15 aiming points, the target shall be within 2 mils
clockwise or counterclockwise of a plumb line position.
Laying from low to high, the alignment telescope reticle shall be
superimposed on the zero elevation aiming points.
d. Aperture gage shall be placed over the objective window of the gunner
e. Reticles of the gunner periscope and telescope shall be alined with
corresponding aiming points by rotating the azimuth and elevation boresight
knobs. Procedure. The alignment telescope reticle shall be superimposed on each
of the aiming points laying low to high without over travel. The turret shall be traversed if
necessary. At each position above horizontal, the gunner periscope cross hairs (daylight system)
shall fall within its respective tolerance bands if half or more of the reticle line width is in the
white area. Sighting system backlash. To determine conformance to, backlash
shall be checked after synchronization requirements have been met. Tests shall be made in
accordance with the following procedure:
a. Gun shall be placed "dead-on" aiming point of target by laying from low to
high. This shall be accomplished without over travel.
b. The gunner periscope daylight systems aiming reticle shall be placed
"dead-on" target relative to the gun. Boresight knobs shall be locked in this
position and micrometer scales slipped to their normal settings three or four.
c. The gun shall be realigned with the same target aiming point as in a by laying
from high to low without over travel.
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