| ![]() MIL-V-62475(AT) Azimuth track mode. The target station shall track at rates down to
0.1 milliradians per second or less. This traversing motion shall be controlled by the hand
control (see Elevation (maximum rate). The elevation time of the targeting head from -23 to
+37 degrees shall take no more than five seconds, providing a rate of at least 12 degrees per
second (see Elevation (minimum rate). The targeting head shall elevate and depress at rates
down to 0.1 milliradians per second or less (see Azimuth and elevation positional capability. The targeting head shall depress to
-23 degrees and elevate to +37 degrees (with respect to the vehicle deck). The targeting head
shall rotate 360 degrees minimum to the right and left (see Pointing and tracking accuracy. The targeting station shall enable operators
possessing skills equivalent to that of a qualified G/VLLD operator to achieve tracking
accuracies specified below over a period of not less than 20 seconds. The targeting station
tracking error shall not exceed G/VLLD tracking error by more than 0.015 milliradians (two
sigma error) for either the actual tripod-mounted G/VLLD or the G/VLLD system specification
value, whichever is greater. This applies to the tracking of constant velocity targets at ranges
from 2-3 km while the FISTV is in a canted position of up to 10 percent in pitch and roll. For
ranges of 1-2 km, tracking error shall not exceed G/VLLD tracking error by more than
0.030 milliradians (two sigma error) for either the actual tripod-mounted G/VLLD or the
G/VLLD system specification value, whichever is greater (see Target locating accuracy. The targeting station subsystem shall be capable of
locating targets with 40 m circular error of probability (CEP) accuracy at a range of 3 km from
the FISTV position (see Position retention. The targeting station mechanism shall retain the position it held
(azimuth and elevation) within + 5 degrees when electrical power is removed for five minutes,
regardless of mounting plane orientation (see Slope operation. The targeting station shall operate on 60 percent forward and
reverse slopes and on 30 percent side slopes. The targeting station brakes shall prevent any
azimuth rotation under all noted slope conditions (see Erection drive. The erection drive system shall provide the capability to drive the
targeting head and erection arm assemblies to a selected position. The allowable position
changes shall be from stow to erect and from erect to stow (see
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