| ![]() MIL-V-62475(AT)
3.5.25.l Winterization equipment. The FISTV vehicle shall make provisions for installation
of an engine coolant and battery heater kit. This kit shall enable the vehicle to start after a cold
soak period of not less than eight hours nor more than 12 hours at -65F (-54C) (see Emergency power. A back-up emergency power provision shall be available which
allows the equipment and vehicle batteries to be connected in parallel. This shall enable starting
the engine and operating the hydraulic pump with insufficiently charged vehicle batteries and
allow use of the electrical and electronic equipment from vehicle batteries when equipment
batteries are insufficiently charged. The emergency power shall be controlled by the master
switch unit at the drivers station (see Lights. The lights, as specified on applicable drawings, shall operate throughout all
vehicle operating conditions (see Slip ring. The FISTV vehicle slip ring shall provide uninterrupted continuity of
communications, power and signal circuits throughout continuous bi-directional rotation of
360 degrees. The operation of the slip ring shall not introduce noise or static into the
communications system, which would impair intercommunication intelligibility (see
3.5.26 Communications. The communications station shall make provisions for installation
of one AN/VRC-46 radio set, three AN/GRC-160 radio sets, one AN/PSG-2A or AN/PSG-5
DMD, one COMSEC/TSEC KY-57 device, one Position Location Reporting System (PLRS) and
one intercommunication distribution unit. Each of the four crew operating stations shall be
provided with an intercommunication control unit. The communication system shall provide
intelligible conversation during 360 degrees azimuth rotation of the turret and during the cycling
of the hydraulic pump (see
3.5.26.l Intercommunication set. The intercommunication distribution and control units
shall permit each of the four operating stations: driver, targeting station, observation and
communications, to selectively monitor the intercommunication system and any combination of
the four radio receivers while selectively transmitting on any of the four radio transmitters as
well as the intercommunications system. The intercommunication control unit for the
communication station (commander) shall be connected so that by means of a switch on the
intercom distribution unit it may be the only such station with voice transmission via the selected
radio. This switch shall allow for commander and crew (CDR + CREW), commander only
(CDR ONLY), or LISTEN ONLY modes of operation. It shall be possible to transmit
simultaneously on all four radios when they are assigned to different frequencies. The noise
level of the targeting station intercom shall not unreasonably degrade communications. Each
crew station shall have volume control that adjusts audio level (see
3.5.27 Hydraulic system. Hydraulic fluid leakage. Leakage at the hydraulic lines, connections and reservoirs
shall not exceed a droplets condition as defined in 6.4.1 (see
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