| ![]() MIL-V-62475(AT)
Ranging scenarios #10 - #12
Designating scenario #4
Ranging scenarios #13 - #15
Designating scenario #5 Pre-operational phase. The pre-operational phase shall be performed before each
mission profile. The vehicle shall be checked and serviced. The vehicle shall be positioned over
a presurveyed area and the head shall be stowed. The NSG shall be initialized and the head shall
then be erected and a reference target located. The targeting head shall then be stowed. Operational scenario. The operational scenarios shall be performed after the first
9 mile (14.5 km) track run. The FISTV vehicle shall be situated over a pre-surveyed position.
Erect the targeting head and observe a referenced target. The target data shall be recorded from
the TSCD display. The targeting head shall be stowed. The NSG shall be realigned and the time
of the realignment shall be recorded. The targeting head shall then be erected, and the first
ranging scenario (see performed. Ranging scenario. A total of 45 ranging scenario shall be performed during each
mission profile. The FISTV vehicle shall be located at a presurveyed location. The vehicle
position, northing, easting, and altitude shall be entered into the TSCD. A known target shall be
acquired and the azimuth and elevation of the target shall be recorded. The G/VLLD shall be
fired (simulated). During the entire mission profile test, the laser inhibit plug shall be installed
and when the trigger switches are depressed a reference range of 9760 on the G/VLLD reticle
shall be given. The target's polar and simulated range data shall be sent to the DMD and
subsequently transmitted to a base station. The targeting station shall then be rotated 360,
clockwise on even-numbered scenarios and counterclockwise on odd-numbered scenarios,
varying the speed and elevation. This shall conclude one ranging scenario. Designate scenario. The designating scenario shall be performed 15 times during
a mission profile. The reticle brightness of the G/VLLD shall be varied. When a voice
command to designate is received, the G/VLLD shall simulate designating for 20 seconds. The
laser inhibit plug shall be installed at all times. The targeting head shall be erected. This
completes one designating scenario. Speed. To determine conformance to 3.5.4, the FISTV vehicle shall be driven at
speeds up to the specified maximum and observed for performance requirements. To preclude
any damage to the targeting head or the vehicle, during head erect travel, the specified distance
and speed shall not be exceded. Braking. To determine conformance to 3.5.5, the FISTV vehicle shall be driven and
stopped, as specified, at least three times. Stopping distance of the three stops shall be averaged
to determine the final result.
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