| MIL-V-82444A(OS)
3.3.2 Leakage at operating pressure, after firing. After firing, with
the squib remaining in the valve body, the valve shall be capable of with-
standing an internal operating pressure of 4500 psig when pressure is
applied to the inlet and outlet ports.
3.3.3 Squib bridge wire resistance, before firing. The electrical circuit
of the bridge wire of all squibs, whether separate or assembled into the
valve, shall be continuous and shall have a total resistance of not less than
0.6 ohm nor more than 1.2 ohms, before firing, when measured at a current of
0.01 ampere maximum.
3.3.4 Insulation resistance, valve, before firing. The insulation resist-
ance between the pins of the valve electrical connector and valve case shall
be 2 megohms minimum before firing when measurement is made using a potential
of 500 volts root-mean-square (rms) at 60 Hertz (Hz).
3.3.5 Insulation resistance, squib, before firing. The insulation resist-
ance between the leads of the squib bridge wires and the squib case shall be
2 megohms minimum before firing when measurement is made using a potential of
500 volts rms at 60 Hz.
3.3.6 Auto-ignition Low temperature. The squibs, whether separate or assembled 0 into
the valve body, shall be capable of withstanding a temperature of +170 F for
2 hours and shall not self-ignite. Thereafter, the squib or valve shall meet the
operating requirements of 3.3.8. High temperature. The squibs, whether separate or assembled0 into
the valve body, shall be capable of withstanding a temperature of +200 F for
8 hours and shall not self-ignite. Thereafter, the squib, or valve, is not
required to meet the operating requirements.
3.3.7 No-fire current. The squib, whether separate or assembled into the
valve body, shall be capable of having a current of 0.2 ampere dc passed
through its bridge wire for 5 minutes minimum without igniting. Thereafter,
the squib shall be capable of meeting the operating requirements of 3.3.8.
3.3.8 Firing current. The squib, whether separate or assembled into the
valve body, shall fire when subjected to a current of 2 amperes dc for 5
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