| ![]() MIL-V-85033A(AS) Pressure drop. The charging valve shall be subjected to a pressure
drop test. With the charging valve fully opened, an inlet pressure of 3000
1OO psig shall be maintained while flowing 28.3 liters per minute (1 cubic
foot per minute). The pressure drop across the valve shall not exceed
10 psig.
4.6.4 Environmental tests. The charging valvq shall be subjected to the
following environmental tests. High temperature. The charging valve shall be subjected to the
high temperature test in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 501, Procedure I,
except the temperature shall be 121C (250F). While at temperature condi-
tions, the charging valve shall be closed and the outlet port pressurized to
and maintained at 3800 -200 Psig. At the completion of the test, the charging
valve shall be visually Inspected for damage and tested in accordance with and Low temperature. The charging valve shall be subjected to the low
temperature test in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 502, Procedure I for a
period of four (4) hours. The storage temperature shall be -54C (-65F).
While at temperature conditions, the charging valve shall be closed, and the
outlet port pressurized and maintained at 3800 1OO psig. At the completion
of the test, the charging valve shall be visually inspected for damage and
tested in accordance with and Thermal shock. The charging valve shall be subjected to the ther-
mal shock test in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 503, Procedure I. Prior
to being subjected to the temperature conditions, the charging valve shall be
closed and the outlet port pressurized to 3000 1OO psig. At the completion
of the test, the charging valve shall be visually inspected for damage and
tested in accordance with and Dust. The charging valve shall be subjected to the dust test in
accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 51O, Procedure I. While at test condi-
tions, the charging valve shall be closed and the outlet port pressurized to
225 25 psig. The inlet port shall be capped, At the completion of testing,
the charging valve shall be visually inspected for damage and tested in accord-
ance with and Salt fog. The charging valve shall be subjected to the salt fog
test in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 509, Procedure I except the dura-
tion shall be 50 hours. While at test conditions, the charging valve shall be
closed and the outlet port pressurized to 225 25 psig. The inlet port shall
be capped. At the completion of testing, the charging valve shall be visually
inspected for damage and corrosion, and tested in accordance with and
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