| ![]() MIL-W-215D
with water. The specimen container shall be tightly closed and labeled to identify the lot
and drum from which the specimen was taken.
TABLE I. Sampling for test (drums)
(a) Tank cars and tank trucks. The WP in each tank car or tank truck shall be
melted and four specimens of no less than 1 ounce each shall be individually removed in
such a reamer that 6 inches from the top of the tank, one-third down, two-thirds down,
and the bottom portions of the WP are equally represented in the sample. Samples shall
be taken immediately after filling tank cars or tank trucks and before settling if taken at
the contractor's plant, or immediately after melting and while still heated if taken at the
user's plant.
4.2.3 Inspection procedure. For examination of packaging. The sample unit shall be one filled and closed
shipping container, ready for shipment. Sample containers and the packaging thereof
shall be examined for the following defects using an AQL of 1.5 percent defective:
Contents per container not as specified
Container not as specified
Water missing or incorrect quantity
Container closure not as specified
Container damaged or leaking
Marking incorrect, missing, or illegible
(f) For test.
(a) Drums. Each sample specimen taken in shall be tested as speci-
fied in 4.2.4. Failure. of any test by any specimen shall be cause for rejection of the lot
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