| ![]() .--.--
4,4.2 First article sample approval. First article sample approval
will be granted when the Government testing act ivit y, through testing and
subsequent analysis of the test results, is assured of contractor conformance
to the contract technical requirements. Conditional acceptance may be granted
at the option of the Government based on analysis of detected defects. A
first article sample may be disapproved when either nonconforming character-
istics or unauthorized materials are found.
4.5 Quality conformance inspection (see notes, Table I).
4.5.1 100% inspection. Each unit shall be subjected to the examinations
and test (designated as 100) in 4.7,1 and 4.7.2. Any unit containing one
or more defects shall be cause for rejecting the unit.
4.5.2 Sampling. The tests of 4.7.3 (designated as sampling shall
be conducted on a random sample of assemblies selected from each production
of 1.0 percent. Failure of the sample to meet this requirement shall cause
the lot to be rejected. Lot composition shall be in accordance with
mil-std-105 Section 5.
4.6 Periodic production inspection, Periodic production tests
consisting of the tests of 4.7 (as specified in Table I), shall be
conducted by a designated Government Testing activity on a random sanple
of two packaged wire rope assemblies, unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.h),
selected f from each production lot offered for accept ante. When a unit
fails to pass any periodic production test, such failure shall be cause
for rejection of the periodic sample and the lot it represents.
4.7 Examination and test methods.
4.7.1 Preparation for delivery (100%). The packaging shall be
examined to detemine conformance to section 5 herein.
4.7.2 Visual examination (100%). Each wire rope assembly shall be
visually examined in accordance with drawing 2428610 to determine compliance
with this specificat ion and the applicable drawings, Examination of the
assembly in accordance with drawing 2428610 shall not relieve the contractor
of the responsibility for meeting the requirements of other drawings listed
4.7.3 Magnetic effeds testing ( Sampling Perform the
magnetic effects test on the wire rope assemly in accordance with test
Method 1, OD 10511, Perform the test with the assembly packaged as specified
in section 5. The test face shall be one of the large, open-side faces of
the unit container, The distance from the center of the magnetometer to
the test face of the container shall be 5 1/8 inches. The rate at which
the container shall be rotated while conducting the test of OD 10511,
Method 1, orientation (C), shall be between 5 and 15 seconds per revolution.
Verify that the assembly does not produce a magnetic signal exceeding
0.10 milligauss.
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