| ![]() MIL-W-3947B
MIL-M-8555 - Missiles, Guided: Design and Construction, General
Specification for
MIL-Q-9858 - Quality Control System Requirements
MIL-STD-176 - Weight and Balance Data Reporting Forms for Guided
Missiles and Space Launch Vehicles
3.1 Procedure Certification. During preaward negotiations or immediately
following the contract award, representatives of the prime contractor and/or
associate contractors shall consult with the procuring agency in certifying
the procedure for the management of an overall mass characteristics program.
At this time the requirements stated herein may be modified as agreed by the
procuring agency and prime contractor and a determination made as to the specific
requirements for the program. In addition, the contractor's plan for meeting
the design objectives may be reviewed with respect to personnel assigned,
adequacy of measuring devices and facilities, program check points to assess
associate and sub-contractor responsibility, techniques to be initiated to
offset adverse mass characteristic changes and other aspects of the program as
may be appropriate for review by the procuring agency.
3.2 The prime contractor or system contractor shall be responsible
for insuring that all associate and subcontractors provide a high degree of
weight and balance control for their respective systems and that there is an
appropriate interchange of data to support the integration of sub-units into
the complete system. He shall also be responsible for correlating the reference
systems (reference datum) of all associate contractors to ensure that the
balance calculations have been properly integrated for the complete vehicle.
3.3 Personnel and Equipment. For all contracts requiring compliance
with MIL-W-3947 the contractor shall establish and maintain a weight and
balance control system by:
(a) Assigning technically competent personnel who shall have responsibility
for fulfilling the requirements of this specification.
(b) Providing necessary equipment and measuring devices essential to
mass property determination.
3.4 Weight and Balance Control Data.
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