| MIL-W-3947B
(1) Test and other equipment installed, but not part of the speci-
fied configuration.
(2) Omitted items of the specified configuration.
(3) Ballast installed, and information indicating its function. For the more complex systems, additional requirements will be
specified by the procuring agency for performance oriented mass characteristics
data such as Post-Flight Weight Reports, Error Analysis data dealing with
Critical Performance Weight, detailed Propellant Loading Weight Report and
Field Weight Coordination Plans. The general purpose and content of these
reports is stated briefly herein whereas detail format and contents will be
determined during the procedure certification required under paragraph 3.1.
(a) Critical Performance Weight Error Analysis. The purpose is to
develop by analysis the Critical Performance Weight Uncertainties which will
be used in association with nominal trajectory dispersion studies and
permit determination of those sources of error which are large enough to
warrant test verification of weight nominal and uncertainties or to warrant
the use of operational "red-lines". It shall generally describe the deri-
vation of each measured, calculated or assigned sigma variation, state each
uncertainty derived together with its assumed nominal and describe the
selection of error sources.
(b) Post-Flight Weight Reports. The purpose of this report is to
verify the Critical Performance Weight inputs used in pre-flight planning,
to determine modifications needed in Critical Performance Weights for
succeeding flights and to provide the capability for post-flight trajectory
reconstruction. It shall generally document the weight conditions of the
launch and flight test including an evaluation of the Critical Flight
Performance Weights and uncertainties experienced.
(c) Propellant Loading Weight Report. The purpose is to present, for
all propellant and fluid systems, complete data needed to determine parameters
and procedures for pre-flight and post-flight evaluation of loaded, beginning,
and unexpended weights. It shall derive volumes (Minimum, useable, trapped,
etc.), describe loading procedures and list gas constants (R) and propellant
and liquid densities versus temperature and pressure.
(d) Field Weight Coordination Plan. The purpose is to enable the
contractor to establish a system to assure that the weight, balance and inertia
characteristics of the vehicle are maintained in a current status and reported
in a timely manner during research and development and operational phases.
It shall provide for continuous Critical Performance Weight inputs for
trajectory simulations and targeting parameters during the development and
operational phases and be so conceived that it may be executed by either the
military user or some other agency of the government.
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