| ![]() MIL-W-43001F
(f) Provide automatic control of water temperature by steam injection in
the washer-extractor. There shall be not less than two automatically controlled
temperatures readily and Infinitely adjustable between the temperature of the
available cold water and 210F. The automatic temperature control shall include
at least one temperature obtained by the automatic injection of steam into the
washer-extractor if necessary to achieve the desired temperature; at least one
temperature obtained by automatic tempering or q ovulation of the hot and cold
water valves. The automatic cycle control shall be capable of selecting either
of the two controlled temperatures for any bath or baths in the washing cycle.
(1) When specified (see 6.2), the washer-extractor shall be equipped
with an automatic thermal overflow cool down feature for processing durable
press garments.
(g) Provide automatic supply injection in accordance with the following
for either liquid supplies or dry supplies, as specified (see 1.2).
(1) Class 1 - Liquid supplies. When a liquid supply injection
system is specified, the supply injector shall consist of a minimum of four
tanks or containers of the capacity specified in table I (see The
tanks or containers shall be manually filled at the beginning of the wash cycle
with the desired quantity of supplies for one complete washing cycle. The
automatic cycle control shall provide for withdrawing three Infinitely variable
amounts of soap from the soap container The requirements of this shall be
satisfied when the third "Infinitely variable amount" consists of draining
completely the remaining soap from the tank. This control shall therefore
provide for the automatic injection of 3 suds, 1 bleach, 1 sour, and 1 blue.
The automatic cycle control shall cause these supplies to be injected whenever
. ..-
desired in the washing formula.
(2) Class 2 - Dry supplies. When a supply injector for dry supplies
is specified, the supply injector shall consist of not less than five compart-
ments or containers of the size normally furnished by the supplier, which shall
be manually filled at the beginning of the washing cycle with the desired
quanity of supplies for one complete washing cycle. The automatic cycle
control shall cause the contents of each compartment or container to be injected
into the washer-extractor as called for. The containers normally used for
bleach, sour, and bluing shall be suitable for either dry or liquid bleach,
sour, and bluing and shall also be capable of injecting dry soap or alkali.
This control shall therefore provide for not less than two automatic injections
of dry soap or alkali, and not less than three dry or liquid supplies such as
bleach, sour, or blue.
(h) Provide on the machine or on the control panel visual indication of
the operation, water level, and temperature in the washer-extractor cylinder.
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