| ![]() MIL-W-43001F
A visual signal shall indicate when the machine is being unloaded.
A visual signal shall indicate when the machine is running.
c. Audible and visual signals shall indicate when the supplies are to be
added from the loading side.
d. The audible and visual signals shall indicate whenever the machine
requires the pre-wash side operators attention and when the machine is ready for
reloading. Shell. The shell shall be provided with two or more separate outer
doors, arranged so that one or more doors may be used exclusively for loading
soiled laundry into the machine from the pre-wash side; and one or more doors
may be used exclusively for unloading clean laundry from the machine on the
post-wash and extract side. Shell doors. The shell door shall be separate for loading and
unloading (see Cylinder doors. Means shall be provided so that loading of soiled
laundry will be done separately from that of unloading clean laundry. Installation in isolation partitioning The machine shall be
constructed so as to permit its installation in a partitioning wall so as to
isolate loading side from unloading side (see 6.5). The partitioning shall form
a tight air seal to prevent any air passage from loading side to unloading side. Air supp ly and discharge. The machine shall be equipped with a single
air supply and discharge outlet located on the top of the machine and on the
loading side of the partitioning. The opening shall be of a size to prevent
vacuum or back-up pressures during operation and shall be not less than 3 inches
in diameter for machines sizes 400 and up and not less than 2 inches in diameter
for machine sizes 300 and less. The outlet shall Incorporate a flexible
connection for attachment to rigid overhead external duct work. Automatic controls. In addition to controls specified herein the
controls shall be capable of providing a final hot rinse before extraction.
3.5.4 Type II - multiple compartments, end or side loading. When specified
(see 6.2), the type II washer-extractor, in sizes 400 through 800, shall be
specifically designed for sling loading. The cylinder in the loading position
shall be loaded by gravity to a minimum of 80 percent of its rated capacity with
a manual redirect of the overhead sling not to exceed 32 degrees from vertical.
The sling, for loading purposes, shall have a minunum diameter of 19 inches,
shall be loaded with sheets, and shall be located directly over the cylinder
door or in a location ideally situated when the cylinder is in the loading posi-
tion. In addition the cylinder shall have shelves or partitions dividing the
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