| ![]() MIL-W-44167B(GL)
3.8 Government furnished loan property. When the washer is not procured
as part of a contract to fabricate the Army Trailer Mounted laundry per
MIL-L-44142, an M-85 Trailer Mounted Laundry without a washer would be
Government loaned property (see 6.2 and 6.3.2).
3.9 Preparation and finish of all exposed surfaces . All exterior surfaces
to be painted, with the exception of glass, data plates, hose fittings, screw
threads, and switches, shall be prepared and finished per MIL-T-704 types F
and G. The color of the finish coat shall be Green 383.
3.10 Workmanship. The units shall be free from fractures, splints,
punctures, tears, dents, creases, bows, miscasts, deteriorations, or
malfunction. There shall be no sharp edges, -burrs, or slivers. The finish
shall be free from smudges, poor touch up, sailer scratches, stain, over-
spray, sag, imprint, or embedded foreign material. Fasteners shall not be
broken, stipped or loose. The end item shall Conform to the quality of
product established by this specification.
3.10.1 Welding . The surfaces of parts to be welded shall be free from
oxide, scale, paint, grease, and other foreign matter. Welds shall be
continuous, sound, smooth, and free f run porosity, cracks, incomplete fusion,
and deformation of material. All scale and flux deposits shall be removed
from the finished welds and rough edges and projections shall be dressed
3.10.2 Electrical work and wiring. All electrical work and wiring shall
meet the requirements outlined in
3.10.3 Welders. Before assigning any welder to work, the contractor shall
provide the contracting off icer , or-his authorized representative, with the
names of welders to be employed in the wink, together with certification that
each of these welders has passed a qualification test as prescribed by either
of the following listed codes for the type welding operation to be performed,
and that such qualification is effective as defined by that particular code
as follows :
a. Standard Qualification Procedure of the American Welding society.
b. welding Qualif ication of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers .
4.1 Responsibility for inspection . Unless otherwise specified in the
contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the perfomance
of all inspection requiremets (exami nations and tests) as Specified herein.
Except as otherwise specif ied in the contract or purchase order, the
contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the perfor-
mance of the inspection requiements specif ied herein, unless disapproved by
the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the
inspections set forth in this specification where such inspections are deemed
necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.
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