| ![]() MIL-W-47091A (MI)
6.1 Intended use. Welding under this specification is intended for use in
ground handling equipment for rockets and guided missiles and other applications
where high grade commercial quality welding is required. As such, it does not come
under the certification requirements of MIL-T-5021 and is not normally considered
adequate for airborne structures or other applications where the highest degree of
dependability with marginal design factors is of primary importance. Such certified
welding is also separately covered in MIL-STD-2219.
6.2 Definition of steel grades. The three grades of steel mentioned herein are
defined as follows:
Mild steel, AISI 1010 to AISI 1030 or other low carbon steels.
High strength mild steel, low carbon steel modified to increase tensile
Low Alloy steel, heat treatable structural alloys such as AISI 4130, AISI
8630, etc., and distinguished from the high alloy, stainless and other
special purpose steels.
6.3 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents must specify the
Title, number, and date of the specification
Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required, the
specific issue of individual documents referenced (see 2.1).
Types required (see 1.2 and 3.2).
6.4 Metrication. Metric equivalents in accordance with FED-STD-376 are
acceptable for use in this specification.
6.5 Subject term (keyword) listing.
Aluminum alloys
Electrodes and rods
Magnesium alloys
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