| ![]() MIL-W-48763 (PA)
4.4.3 Testing Protective finish (see 3.3) - Major A defect -
A sample of ten (10) wrenches shall be selected from each lot
for this test. If any wrench fails to comply with the require-
ments specified the lot shall be rejected. The test shall be
as specified in 4.5.1.
4.4.4 Inspection Equipment. - The inspection equipment
required to perform the inspections and tests prescribed in
this specification is identified in the `Paragraph Reference/
Inspection Method' column in the table of paragraph and the test method paragraph (see 4.5). The contrac-
tor shall submit for approval, inspection equipment designs
in accordance with the terms of the contract. See Section 6
of MIL-A-48078, and Section 6.2 herein.
4.5 Test Methods and Procedure
4.5.1 Protective finish. - The wrenches shall be subjected
to the salt fog specified in MIL-STD-331, Method 107.1 except
that exposure test time shall be 24 hours minimum (min.).
5.1 Preservation and packaging
5.1.1 Level C. - The wrenches shall be packaged in accord-
ance with MI-STD-1169 in such a manner that no damage will
occur during shipment.
5.2 Packing
5.2.1 Level C. - The wrenches shall be packed in accord-
ance with MIL-STD-1169.
5.3 Marking. - Unit, intermediate and exterior containers
shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-1169 requirements.
6.1 Intended Use. - The wrench covered by this specification
is intended for use with the M605 fuze and the M16A1 or A2 anti-
personnel mine.
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