| ![]() MIL-W-50504A (AR)
mechanical requirements, these values shall be used as a basis for
accepting or rejecting each base casting within the heat treat
batch. All castings within the heat treat batch whose hardness
values fall outside the established range shall be rejected.
4.5.6 Microexamination. Perform a microexamination of the test
lug in accordance with ASTM-A-395. Failure of the test lug to
conform to the microstructure requirements of ASTM-A-395 shall be
cause for rejection of the pouring batch.
4.5.7 Hydrostatic test. The metal parts assembly shall be
hydrostatically tested using equipment capable of performing the test
accurately and consistently. In performing the test, the pressure
will be applied gradually until the required minimum pressure is
reached, after which the pressure will be held constant for a minimum
of 5 seconds. The equipment shall be calibrated prior to the start
of each day's operation, at intervals of not over 2 hours of
continuous operation, and prior to restarting the operation after a
layoff of 1 hour or more. Any assembly that fails to comply with
the drawing requirement shall be classed defective and removed from
the lot.
4.5.8 Air pressure test. Body assemblies that have passed the
hydrostatic test shall be mounted in an approved fixture in such a
manner that the body assembly will be completely submerged in water.
The air pressure shall be applied and held for a minimum of 15
seconds. Any body assembly failing to comply with the drawing
requirements as evidenced by air bubbles rising to the surface of
the water shall be classed defective and removed from the lot. Air
bubbles caused by entrapped air on the outside of the shell shall
not be cause for rejection of the body assembly.
4.5.9 Salt spray test. An accelerated corrosion test shall be
performed utilizing the equipment and procedures prescribed by
FED-STD-151, Method 811. A 20 percent concentration of sodium
chloride solution shall be used and length of test shall be for 144
hours. Actual production warhead assemblies only shall be subjected
to this test. Test panels shall not be substituted for the warhead
The test specimen shall be air dried for a minimum of 96
hours before testing. The painted specimen shall be scored through
using a sharp knife.
The specimens shall then be exposed to the 20
percent salt spray as specified in FED-STD-151, Method 811. The
sample size for this test shall be as follows: During production,
one warhead from each days production shall be subjected to the salt
spray test until five consecutive days production have successfully
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