| ![]() MIL-W-50985A
2.1. 3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict
between the text of this specification and the references cited
herein, the text of this specification shall take precedence.
3.1 Material. Materials shall be in accordance with
applicable drawings and specifications.
3.2 Components and Assemblies. The components and assemblies
shall comply with all requirements secified on Dwg 9258191 and
associated drawings, and with all requirements specified in
applicable specifications and standards.
3.2.1 Flexible cable assembly. The cable assembly shall
comply with specification MIL-F-48048.
3.3 Metal Defects. All components prior to painting or
chemical treatment shall be free of surface imperfections on the
interior and exterior surfaces of the parts that are indications
of discontinuities internal to the metal. (Including are:
cracks, lube bursts, pipes, laminations, segregations, porosity,
flakes, inclusions and other internal defects.)
3.4 Microexamination. For ductile iron, the microstructure
test described in ASTM-A-395 shall be performed for each ladle.
3.5 Continuity and Open Circuit. Each warhead subassembly
and each warhead complete assembly shall be subjected to and shall
pass the electrical continuity test (less than 0.5 ohms) and open
circuit test (greater than 10 megohms).
3.6 Air tightness. The metal parts assembly (after
installation of the ogive) shall withstand an air pressure of 10
psig applied to the body cavity for a period of 10 seconds without
a pressure drop of more than 0.5 psig.
3.7 Salt Spray Test. The finished assemblies, after coating,
shall comply with an accelerated corrosion test.
for the
shall be
specified in the contract.
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