| ![]() MIL-W-50985A
4.5.6 Salt spray test. An accelerated corrosion test shall
be performed utilizing the equipment and procedures prescribed by
the Federal Test Method Standard No. 151, Method 811. Either a
twenty (20) percent concentration of sodium chloride solution
shall be used and the length of test shall be one hundred forty
four (144) hours or a five (5) percent solution of sodium chloride
solution shall be used and the length of test shall be forty-eight
(48) hours. Test panels shall not be substituted for the warhead
assemblies. The test specimen shall be air dried for a minimum of
96 hours before testing. The surface coated speciment shall be
scored through using a sharp knife. The specimens shall then be
exposed to the 20 percent salt spray as specified in Federal Test
Method Standard No. 151, Method 811.
During production, one completed warhead from each day's
production shall be subjected to the Salt Spray Test, until five
consecutive day's production have successfully passed the test.
Sampling shall then be reduced to one sample once per week. If a
failure occurs, the contractor shall be notified to take
corrective action. If another consecutive failure occurs after
the contractor has been notified to take corrective action,
inspection for acceptance shall be stopped until necessary
corrective action has been taken to the satisfaction of the
Government. After two consecutive failures and after corrective
action is taken, sampling shall revert to one specimen from each
day's production until five consecutive day's production have
again successfully passed the test. Any specimen (warhead) which
does not comply with any of the following test criteria shall be
considered a failure. The specimen, when subjected to the Salt
Spray Test shall show no more than 1/8 inch creepage, blistering,
or loss of adhesion of the paint as measured from the scribe
mark. At all other points, there shall be no more than a trace of
film failure such as blistering or corrosion, and not more than
twenty scattered blisters, none larger than 3/16 inch in diameter
on the painted surface of the warhead. It is intended that the
maximum amount of corrosion in the Salt Spray Test be comparable
to photograph 8-1 in ASTM Standard of Evaluation Degree of
Resistance to rusting obtained with paint on iron and steel
surfaces, D610-68. Photograph 8-1 shall also be used to evaluate
surface corrosion on the outer ogive surface.
5.1 Packaging and marking. The warhead shall be packaged and
marked in accordance with Military Standard MIL-STD-1169.
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