| MIL-W-70622 (AR)
Testing is described in the Quality Conformance
4.4.3 Testing.
Inspection tables.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment required
to perorm the examinations and tests prescribed herein is described
in the in the "Paragraph Reference/Inspection Method" col umn in tables
starting wiht The contractor shall submit for approval
inspection equipment designs in accordance with the terms of the
contract. See Section 6 of MIL-A-48078 and 6.3 herein. The
contractor shall submit all inspection equipment designs to the
government for evaluation and approval prior to fabrication of such
4.5 Methods
PRECAUTION: This specification covers sampling and testing of
chemical, toxic, or explosive materials which are potentially
hazardous to personnel. Accordingly, it is emphasized that all
applicable safety rules, regulations, and procedures must be
followed in handling and processing these materials.
4.5.1 Function test. The smoke cartridges shall be subjected
to a static acceptance test using a Government approved fixture.
The fixture shall simulate the interface between M433 Fuze booster
assembly and smoke cartridge assembly on test warhead, PXR6369, P/N
12561319. The Government will furnish the M84 electric detonator,
explosive lead in, and explosive booster and the contractor shall
furnish all other necessary materials. The smoke cartridge assembly
shall function after functioning of the booster assembly. The
booster assembly shall be initiated using a M84 detonator or
approved substiture. Half of the sample shall be conditioned at a
temperature of -50 5F and the other half shall be
conditioned at 150F 5F for a minimum of 4 hours prior to
testing. Testing shall be accomplished within 2 minutes after
removal of sample from temperature conditioning chamber. The lot
shall be rejected if one or more smoke cartridge assemblies fail to
function when tested.
4.5.2 Data requirements. The contractor shall submit a quality
inspection test demonstration and evaluation report in accordance
with Data Item Descriptions DI-R-1721 and DI-R-1724 giving the
detailed test results.
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