| ![]() MIL-W-81752A(AS) Fighter/attack type aircraft - The average luminous
transmittance of the transparent material shall be not less than 80
percent when measured at normal angles of incidence to the surface.
The luminous transmittance shall be not less than 65 percent when
measured at the design eye position along a horizontal line with zero
azimuth and the windshield in the installed position. Other aircraft - The average luminous transmittance of
the transparent material shall be not less than 60 percent. The
luminous transmittance shall be not less than 50 percent when measured
at the observer's eye position along a horizontal line with zero
azimuth and the windshield in the installed position. Anti-icing coating - If an anti-icing conductive
coating is used, the coating shall not reduce light transmittance by
more than 5 percent. Haze - The haze in the windshield shall be not greater
than 3 percent at normal angles of Incidence. Binocular disparity - The angular deviation between each
eye from a point object shall be not greater than 10 minutes of arc in
the horizontal plane and 2 minutes of arc in the vertical plane. If
the aircraft is used for high altitude reconnaissance, the angular
deviation shall be not greater than 3 minutes of arc in the horizontal
plane and 2 minutes of are in the vertical plane. Aniseikonia - Aniseikonia shall be not greater than 2
percent. Monocular distortion Fighter/attack type aircraft - The angular deviation of
the windshield, when measured normal to the surface, shall be not
greater than 3 minutes of arc. The change in direction shall be not
greater than 180 degrees within any linear 36 inches. With the
transparency in the installed position, not less than 60 points shall
be selected for the determination of the apparent deviation in
elevation and azimuth at each point. The apparent deviation at each
point shall be not greater than 3 milliradians and the RMS value for
all the points shall be less than 1 milliradian. Other aircraft - The angular deviation of the
windshield, when measured normal to the surface, shall be not greater
than 3 minutes of arc. The change in direction shall be not greater
than 180 degrees in any linear 36 inches. With the windshield in the
installed position, 15 random points shall be selected for the
determination of the apparent deviation in elevation and azimuth at
The apparent deviation shall be not greater than 10
each point.
minutes of arc at any single point, but the average deviation shall be
not greater than 3 minutes of arc.
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