| ![]() MIL-W-85057(AS)
(2) AC Power (Three Phase), Y-connected, 115/200 Volts (V),
Category B, 500 volt amperes (VA).
(3) DC Power, 28 V, Category B, 25 Watts. Degraded Performance. The line transient limits shall be as
specified in MIL-STD-704, Figure 3, limit Curves 2 and 3, which defines the
limits of transients within which the WDC maintains normal operation.
Performance shall not be affected. by transients falling below 58 V whose
duration is less than 75 microseconds (s). After prime power remains at
a level lower than 58 V for a period longer than 75s, the WDC may go
through a power OFF sequence. WDC operation shall return to normal when
the voltage transient expires. No degradation to memory contents shall
occur due to a power OFF/ON sequence. Undervoltage Protection. The DC and CIU shall not be damaged
by voltages below the minimum specified In MIL-STD-704 and shall automatically
resume normal operation when the voltage returns within limits. Power Failure Protection. Power monitoring and auto-restart
circuits shall be provided. These circuits shall provide DC memory content
protection in the event of power failure by delaying the DC shutdown until
the present memory cycle has been completed. When power returns to normal,
the DC shall be capable of automatically returning to a software initialization
3.3.12 Cooling. WDC cooling, when required, shall be provided by a
fan attached to each unit. The WDC shall require no special cooling other
than ambient air of the normal installation environment.
3.3.13 Electrical Interfaces. The WDC electrical signal interface shall
be as defined In Drawing 3366000-350. A summary of this interface definition
is shown in Figure 3. interface Connector Electrical Wiring. Shall be in accordance
with Drawing 336600-310. Aircraft Armament Signs 1 Isolation. The following aircraft
armament signals shall be electrically isolated from other operating and
BITE circuitry to prevent inadvertent weapon release, in accordance with
Fire Sequence
Master ARM
Pullup Tone
Bomb Button
Gun-pod Enable
Bomb Enable
MSL Enable
RKT Enable
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