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4.2.4 Vehicle disposition. Upon completion of
materials used are as specified in the applicable
specifications and drawings, and have been tested
inspection, the vehicle will remain at the
in accordance with the Quality Assurance
manufacturing facility and be the last vehicle
provisions contained therein.
shipped on the contract. The contractor shall
service and maintain the vehicle during this period
4.1.6 Service products. The contractor shall
in accordance with the applicable documents for
furnish to the Government certification that
care and preservation while in storage.
products conforming to specifications contained in
4.2.5 Final approval and acceptance. Final
table I of paragraph 3.5 will be used in servicing
approval and acceptance by the Government of the
vehicles under the contract.
first vehicle shall be withheld until the 2,560 mile
4.2 First vehicle inspection.
test of the second vehicle produced has been
completed and a final determination has been
4.2.1 Inprocess inspection. The first vehicle
made regarding conformity of the vehicle to
produced shall receive an inprocess inspection by
contractual requirements, including, but not
the Government when the vehicle is approximately
limited to, workmanship and materials.
50 percent complete. This inspection shall be
4.3 Production vehicle test. After completion
conducted to evaluate workmanship and materials
of provisional inspection of the first vehicle, the
to applicable specifications. During this
second vehicle produced shall be subjected to
inspection, welding procedures will be reviewed,
examination and tests specified herein and the
workmanship specimens evaluated, and the
2,560 mile test specified in table IV. Inspections
substructure examined for conformance to
shall be performed by the Government and at a
contractual requirements.
site approved by the Government, and will require
4.2.2 Completed vehicle inspection. The first
a maximum of 60 days. The contractor will
vehicle, when completed, shall be given a
expeditiously furnish repair parts, as required, to
provisional inspection to determine conformance
adequately support the above inspections at no
to contract and specification requirements. This
cost to the Government. Delays caused by vehicle
inspection shall be conducted by the Government
breakdown and failure of the contractor to
at the contractor's plant, subsequent to contractor
adequately support the vehicle with parts during
the inspections shall not be the responsibility of
the Government.
4.2.3 Corrections. Corrections found necessary
as a result of above inspections shall be made by
the contractor on the vehicle.
Table IV. 2560 Mile Test
Mileage and Speeds
Vehicle Loading
1,000 miles @ variable speeds up to 50 MPH . . . . . . . . . .
Hard surface (highway)
Level cross country . . .
1,000 miles @ variable speeds up to required cross-country speeds .
Cross country
Hilly cross country . . . .
500 miles @ variable speeds up to required cross-country speeds . .
Cross country
Belgian block . . . . . . . .
60 miles @ speeds applicable to conditions to terrain . . . . .
Cross country
4.3.1 Test failure. Failure of the production
that corrective action has been taken to eliminate
vehicle to comply with any of the requirements
the deficiency. Additionally, any deficiencies of
specified or any deficiency of a workmanship or
a workmanship or materials nature, or
materials nature found during the 2,560 mile test,
nonconformance with specified requirements
shall be cause for rejection of the vehicle and
discovered in the production vehicle as a result of
refusal to accept additional vehicles until objective
the 2,560 mile test, shall be presumed to exist in
evidence has been provided by the manufacturer
production vehicles accepted by the Government

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