| ![]() MIL-A-19736A(Wep) Delivery: Tanker aircraft shall transfer fuel to receiver aircraft over the following range
of flow rates:
0 to 200 gallons per minute or higher
Light attack tanker aircraft
O to 300 gallons per minute or higher
Other tankeraircraft
Tanker aircraft shall replenish the tanker package fuel at rates compatible Replenishment:
with the delivery rates of The design objective is to maintain the maximum flow rate for 5
minutes. The replenishment system shall permit continuous transfer to the receiver of all fuel availa-
ble for air refueling. Receiver system: Receiver aircraft shall accept fuel at flow rates determined by the fueling
requienments of Specification MIL-F-17874. The following flow rates are desired when the pressure at
the probe nozzle is 35 psig:
Fighter and light attack receiver aircraft
200 gpm or higher
Other receiver aircraft
300 gpm or higher
3.5.4 Meter: The tanker system shall include a meter to indicate in pounds the quantity of fuel trans-
ferred to the receiver. The indicator shall be calibrated in pounds of JP-5 fuel if a volumetric meter
is used. The indicator shall easily be reset to zero. If specified, a preset feature to schedule the
quantity of fuel to be transferred shall be provided.
3.5.5 Filling: Tanker packages containing fuel stowage shall have provisions for filling and defueling
by the tanker aircraft pressure fueling system. Unless otherwise specified, gravity filler units shall
not be included.
3.5.6 Jettisoning: Means shall be provided to jettison all fuel carried in the tanker packaged. Jetti-
soned fuel shall not impinge on the aircraft or tanker package. No fire or explosion hazards shall
result from fuel jettisoning under any normal flight condition.
3.6 Tinker system operation: The design objective is fail-safe transfer of fuel to the receiver air-
craft. The system shall be suitable functionally for emergency engagement and fuel transfer in event
of failure of the hose response action. It shall be possible to transfer fuel to the receiver aircraft
by gravity if necessary, in event the fuel pump does not function. The system shall be suitable for
practice engagements by receiver aircraft without transfer of fuel.
3.6.1 Pump: The fuel pump and any other pressurizing means shall be provided with an automatic control
so that, with the reel in TRAIL but not EMERGENCY TRAIL, pressure is removed from the system when less
than 25 feet of hose is extended and when the hose iS within 5 feet of the fully trailed position.
The pump shall shut down in the emergency event that the hose or drogue is lost and the reel rewinds.
The operator shall have control to turn the pump and any other pressurizing means on and off at any
phase of the air refueling operation. When the hose reel is in EMERGENCY TRAIL, control power to the
fuel pump shall be supplied from the emergency power bus.
3.6.2 Valve: A normally open fuel valve shall be provided upstream of the hose reel. If a preset
feature to schedule the quantity of fuel to be transferred is specified the valve shall close auto-
matically when the indicator reads zero. Otherwise the valve shall be closed only when the operator
selects the closed Position for dry hookups, fuel jettisoning guillotining or other reason. The
operator shall have control to close and to open the valve during any phase of air refueling. Hose
reel operation in EMERGENCY TRAIL shall not preclude control of the fuel valve if normal power to it
is available.
3.6.3 Hose reel: The hose reel operation is specified in 3.8.10 through 3.8.16. Emergency trail
shall operate on emergency power. Guillotine: The hose guillotine requirements are specified in 3.8.17. If the guillotine is
installed in a tanker package that cannot be jettisoned from the aircraft, the guillotine shall operate
on emergency power from a separate circuit with circuit breaker. Operation: At the time the nose is guillotined the fuel valve shall be closed, the fuel pump
shall be stopped, the hose reel shall be stopped and all electric power except that to the guillotine
shall be off. This feature maybe accomplished automatically upon operation of the guillotine control
switoh or may require propositioning of other control switches.
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