| ![]() MIL-A-19736A(Wep))
3.6.4 Fuel jettison: Fuel jettisoning is specified in 3.5.6. While fuel is being jettisoned directly
from the tanker package all electric power to the tanker package except that to the fuel jettison
system shall be off. This feature may be accomplished automatically upon operation of the fuel jetti-
soning control switch or may require propositioning of other control switches. Subsequent to guillio-
tining the hose it shall shall be possible to jettison tanker package fuel.
3.6.5 Internal: The system shall provide fuel transfer in both directions between the tanker aircraft
fuel system and the tanker package. The system for tanker aircraft carrying more than one type of
fuel shall segregate the fuels so it is impossible to intermix the fuels-or-to transfer the wrong
fuel to the tanker engines and to the receiver aircraft.
3.6.6 Failure analysis: A failure analysis of the tanker air refueling system shall be made and
submitted. Failure analysis of the hose reel shall be included.
3.7 Tanker aircraft installation.
3.7.1 Convertibility: Air refueling equipment shall be assembled in a package so as to be readily
installed and removed. Loose equipment items should be kept to a minimum. The elapsed time to install
and check out the taker package shall be not greater than one hour for tanker external stores and
three hours for fixed external pods and bomb-bay installations.
3.7.2 Arrangement: Tanker aircraft with a single air refueling station shall carry the tanker package
on the longitudinal centerline of the aircraft. Internal tanker packages shall be located so that
the hose emerges near the center of gravity of the aircraft.
3.7.3 Hose reel installation. Performance: The hose reel with hose and drogue shall perform in accordance with all the
requirements of 3.8 as installed in the tanker aircraft. Drogue ejection: Spring force shall be provided to launch the drogue into the airstream. The
coupling and drogue stowage arrangement shall not employ latches or other locking mechanisms which
fasten the drogue in the stowed position.
3.7.4 Structural criteria. Bomb-bay package and fixed external pod: Limit strength with design yield end design ultimate
factors of 1.15 and 1.50 respectively shall be provided for the local inertial accelerations and for
aerodynamic loads existent at the bomb-bay or pod location. Tanker external stores:
Strength shall be provided for the following conditions:
a. Loads in accordance with Specification MIL-A-8591. For arrested landings~ the store shall be
considered 25 percent full of fuel. For landings ashore, the store shall be considered full of fuel.
b. Maximum equivalent airspeed of 600 knots at Mach number not greater than 1.0 with the drogue
retracted. Hose load:
Strength shall be provided for the hose load in accordance with Specification MIL-
3.7.5 Lighting. Signal lights: The following signal lights shall be mounted adjacent to each other on the
tanker aircraft in a position that is clearly visible to the pilot of the receiver aircraft during
all phases of the air refueling operation:
a. A yellow light which is automatically turned on only when the hose is within 5 feet of the
trailed position and the tanker is ready for engagement.
b. A red light which is automatically turned on when the hydraulic pressure at the hose reel is
too low for proper response action.
c. A green light which is automatically turned on when the fuel is being transferred to the
receiver. The light shall be controlled by a primary element which senses actual fuel flow.
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