| ![]() MIL-A-23622
Mater ial. -
Metals- All metal parts, other than current carrying,
parts, shall be of corrosion resistant material, or shall be suitably
plated to resist corrosion.
Dissimilar meta ls- The use of dissimilar metals in
direct contact with each other, which tend toward active electrolytic
corr.osion (particularly brass, COpper, or steel in contact with aluminum
or aluminum alloy), shall not be acceptable. Metal plating or metal
spraying of dissimilar base metals to provide similar or--suitable abut-
ting surfaces shall be permitted. The use of dissimilar metals separated
by suitable non-metallic insulating material shall be permitted. Dis-
similar metals are defined in Standard MS33586. Magnesium shall not be.
used in the actuator.
Non-metal lic material - Non-metallic material when used
shall be flame-resistant and shall not support-combustion.
Selection of materials - Specifications -and-standards
for all materials, parts, and Government certification and approval of
processes and equipment; which are not specifically designated herein.
and which are necessary for the execution of this specification, shall
be selected in accordance. with Standard MIL-STD-143 except as provided .
in paragraph,
Standard parts - Standard parts shall be used whenever
they are suitable for.. the purpose, and shall be identified on the drawing
by their part number. Any standard part$ of the same part number, shall
be-readily interchangeable as applied within the unit. Commercial utility
parts such as scraps, boltst nuts, cotter pins etc. may be used provided
they possess suitable properties and are replaceable by the military
standard part numbers-referenced in the parts-list, and if practical on
the contractor's drawings. In the event there is no suitable military
standard part in effect on date of invitation-for bids, equivalent com-
mercial parts may be used provided they conform to all requirements-of
this specification,
Design -
Simplicity of design - The actuator shall be of the
simplest possible design for the proposed use. Simplicity 0$ design
resulting from use of the same part for as many applications as possible
is highly desirable.
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