| ![]() 3,4.2
Interchangeability - All parts having the same manu-
facturer's part number shall be directly and completely Interchangeable
with respect to installation and performance, Changes in manufacturer's
parts numbers shall be governed by the drawing number requirements of
Specification MIL-D-70327.
Structural strength
- The actuator shall be structurally
designed in general accordance with Specification MIL-A-8860. Pertinent
factors required for rigidity, fatigue life, static strength, or column
strength shall be applied to the maximum operating load to determine the
limit load of the member under consideration.
- Construction shall be such as to
accommodate to the greatest possible extent, disassembly, reassembly,
service maintenance and inspection by means of those tools and items of
maintenance equipment which are normally available as commercial standard,
Designs requiring specially designed items of maintenance tools and equip-
ment shall be avoided, The actuator shall be designed and constructed so
that no parts will work loose in service. It shall be built to withstand
the strains, jars, vibrations, and other conditions incident to shipping,
storage, installation, and service. The actuator shall be constructed
so that adjustments and repairs can easily be made by personnel of opera-
ting units and overhaul bases.
R a t e d - The actuator shall be rated for operation
under aiding and opposing loads as specified on the applicable MS drawing,
- The actuator shall be capable
of starting and operating with a maximum operating load of 2 1/2 times the
rated load under the most adverse combinations of environmental and
electrical conditions specified herein.
Static limit load - The actuator shall withstand, with-
out any permanent formation, a static load of 10 times the rated load
or 150 percent of the maximum actuating load, whichever is greater.
Operation under this condition is not required.
- The actuator shall withstand,
without structural failuref an ultimate static load of 150 percent of the
static limit load. The actuator components may be permanently deformed
and the actuator may become inoperative when subject to the ultimate
static load.
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