| ![]() MIL-A-23622
(e) Salt spray - Exposure to salt sea atmosphere
(f) Shock - Procedure V of Specification MIL-E-5272
(g) Explosion proof - Exposure to explosion producing
Identification of product -
Nameplates and product markings - The actuator shall
be legibly marked for Identification by a firmly attached nameplate in
accordance with Standard MIL-STD-130. The applicable MS drawing number
and dash number as a suffix shall be shown on the nameplate,
Wiring diagram - A plate legibly showing the internal
wiring, shall be firmly attached to the actuator,
Motor data - Data pertaining to the motor which is
Included on the motor need not be duplicated on the actuator nameplate.
Lubrication data - If lubrication of the actuator is'
required during its normal service life, the lubrication requirements shall
be included on the nameplate, unless too extensive. In such case, they
shall be shown on a separately attached, plate, or reference shall be made
to the applicable technical order publications.
Reliability - The actuator shall be designed for 10,000
full stroke cycles without failure or replacement of parts, at the rated
load, duty cycle, and at maximum altitude and standard temperature. Load
shall average not less than the rated load, whether or not it is applied
uniformly, and shall change direction so as to oppose the actuating force
throughout both the extend and retract strokes.
Workmanship - The actuator shall be fabricated and
finished in a workmanlike manner. Particular attention shall be given
to freedom from defects, bumps, and sharp edges; accuracy of dimensions
and marking of parts and assemblies; the alignment of parts and tightness
of assembly screws and bolts.
Responsibility for inspection - Unless otherwise speci-
fied in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for
the performance of all Inspection requirements as specified herein, Except
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