| MIL-A-23622 "
after changing the ambient temperature when the
difference between the internal and housing
temperatures (the thermal gradient) is greatest
and also after stabilization has been attained at
each temperature
During the third and fourth cycles the monitored
operational check shall be conducted when the thermal
gradient is greatest, but not after temperature sta-
bilization has been attained.
Maintaining final low temperature (-54C), reduce
chamber pressure to 3,44 inches of mercury (cor-
responding to an altitude of 50,000) feet above sea
level) and proceed with the Altitude Test, Procedure
VI-C Specification MIL-E-5272 for a period of at
least 9-hours.
Maintaining simulated altitude, proceed with the
Humidity Test in accordance with Procedure IV,
Specification MIL-E-5272 except as otherwise speci-
fied in this and the following steps,
Increase temperature to plus 93C and relative humi-
dity to 95% over a two hour period. After 6-hours
under these conditions conduct a monitored operational
Reduce temperature and simulated altitude together
over a period of from 2 to 16-hours$ so as to main-
tain condensation on the walls of the test chamber
and the actuator at all times, until standard pres-
sure and a temperature of -54C are attained, Con-
duct a monitored operational check,
Repeat steps bg c, and d for a total of ten cycles.
Fungus resistance - The actuator shall be tested in
accordance with procedure I Specification MIL-E-5272. Immediately after
completion of this test, the actuator shall be removed from the chamber
and subject to the monitored operational check ( and shall meet
the requirements specified therein. The actuator shall be disassembled
and inspected. There shall be no fungus on the electrical wiring or parts
made of organic material where damage might result.
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