| ![]() MIL-A-23622
Vibration - The actuator shall be subjected to the
vibration test as shown on the applicable MS drawing, except that the
resonance search in each of the three axes specified, shall be conducted
with the actuator operating under the conditions specified for the moni-
tored operational check ( Irreversibility of the actuators
electrically unenergized, shall also be verified by such resonance search
with the static load applied.
Mechanical stops - A minimum of 100 jams into each
mechanical stop shall be performed at maximum energy. The actuator must,
in each case, pull off the stop at minimum voltage and maximum operating
load . The test fixture shall not provide any rotational restraint to the
actuator during the test in order to ensure that the requirements of the
anti-rotation device (3.4.6) are satisfied.
Accelerati on - The actuator shall be tested in accord-
ance with Procedure III, Specification MIL-E-5272. Acceleration equiva-
lent to 10g shall be applied in the directions specified, and in such
directions as are likely to cause malfunctions as by lifted brushes or
switch contacts. Each acceleration vector shall be maintained for the
period required for the monitored operational check (
Shock- With the actuator operating and monitored for
the operational check (, shock shall be applied when the actuator
is in mid-stroke in accordance with Procedure V of Specification MIL-E-
5272. When specified on applicable MS drawing, the actuator shall be
mounted on suspension equipment carrying stores.
Combinedined- humidity-temperature-altitude`e - The actuator
shall be subject to the combined environmental test procedures specified
in steps a. through e. below. These fulfill the requirements of the
severla individual and combined procedures" for these parameters,
Shock Test of Procedure
(a) Conduct the temperature
I of Specification MIL-E- 272 except that:
Form cycles shall be conducted.
For the first cycles the low temperature shall
be minus 62C, the time at each temperature shall
be 48-hours, and the actuator shall not be operated.
For the three other cycles the temperature shall
be plus 93 C and minus 54C.
During the second (of the four) cycle the moni-
tored operational check shall be conducted soon
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