| MIL-A-516J Pole-setting and winch operation. Pole-setting. Set a power or telephone pole of the I-treated,
45-foot class in a vertical hole using the pole grabber and auger bar housing or
derrick as a boom. Inability to set the pole in a vertical position, or damage
or permanent deformation to the auger or pole-setting equipment shall constitute
failure of this test. Winch operation. Operate the winch drum for 15 minutes with the
engine running at approximately one-third speed and 15 minutes with the engine
running at maximum speed. Then test the brake by the lifting, lowering,
stopping, and holding a load of 4,500 pounds on the bare drum. Inability of the
drum to turn, excessive noise or grinding, inability of the drum to operate
independently of the auger, or failure of the brake to stop and hold a load of
4,500 pounds shall constitute failure of this test. Drum capacity. Wind a 7/16-inch diameter wire rope on the drum
until the drum is filled to capacity. Measure the length of the wire rope that
is wound on the drum. A length of less than 150 feet shall constitute failure
of this test. Single-line pull. With the winch drum bare, raise a 3,000-pound
load, using a single line. A line speed of less than 30 fpm or a line pull of
less than 3,000 pounds shall constitute failure of this test. Electromagnetic interference. The preproduction model shall be
tested in accordance with SAE J551. The contractor shall furnish to the
contracting officer the test plan and test report. Disapproval of the test plan
or test report shall constitute failure of this test. Sound level measurement Interior sound levels. The sound level at the operator's station
shall be measured in accordance with SAE J919. Duty cycle testing shall not be
used. Nonconformance to shall constitute failure of this test. Exterior sound levels. The auger sound level shall be measured in
accordance with SAE J88. Nonconformance to shall constitute failure of
this test. Lifting and tiedown attachments. Unless otherwise specified, lifting
and tiedown attachments shall be tested in accordance with and When specified (see 6.2), engineering calculations are acceptable in
lieu of testing.
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