| MIL-A-516J
Test procedures of lifting attachments shall Lifting attachments.
be as follows:
Lift the auger and hold in suspension in its normal travel
position using slings that converge not more than 24 feet above
the lowest extremity of the auger. Determine the forward
angles of application for each attachment. Measure the
clearance between each sling and the auger. Measure eye
openings and clearance dimensions of the attachment. Measure
the load carried by each attachment.
Restrain the auger by anchoring the main frame and subject each
attachment to a force equal to the load factor specified in
MIL-STD-209 times the load it carried in paragraph (a) above.
An alternate method of test is to lift the auger as in (a)
above and add weights to the main frame until the required
force is obtained. Hold the auger under either of the above
loading conditions for at least 90 seconds.
Weld failure of permanent deformation caused by lifting or failure to meet the
requirements of MIL-STD-209, shall constitute failure of this test.,2 Tiedown attachments. With the auger anchored by means other than
the attachments being tested, apply the proportion of the static loads as
specified in MIL-STD-209 to each attachment. Measure dimensions of the
tiedown. Failure to meet the requirements of MIL-STD-209 shall constitute
failure of this test. Operation. Operate each auger for a period of l/2-hour without
boring holes. Then operate the auger with bit above ground and engine at full
load governed speed using all forward and reverse speeds. Operate the auger in
the vertical, 10 degrees from vertical toward the truck, 60 degrees from
vertical away from the truck, 23 degrees from vertical to the right of the truck
and 30 degrees from vertical to the left of the truck. Operate the auger bar
control, hand feed lever, and emergency stop. Rotate the turntable on type II
augers not less than 90 degrees to the right and left of the longitudinal axis
of the truck. Forward and reverse travel of the turntable frame on type II
augers shall be not less than 22 inches. Operate the stabilizing jacks and the
power-take-of f. Evidence of breakage, permanent deformation, or any operating
difficulty shall constitute failure of this test.
4.7 Inspection comparison. The Government may select augers at any time
during the contract production period and subject these augers to the examin-
ation specified in 4.6.1 and the tests specified in 4.4 to determine conformance
to the requirements of this specification. The inspection will be performed by
the Government, at a site selected by the Government, on units selected at
random from those which have been accepted by the Government and will not
include the previously inspected preproduction model and initial production
augers. In addition to any test specified as part of the inspection comparison
the Government reserves the right to conduct any and all other tests, contained
in this specification as part of the inspection comparison failure of such
additional tests shall have the same effect as failure of those tests specified
as inspection comparison.
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