| ![]() MIL-A-70788A (AR)
5.3 Marking.
5.3.1 Commercial. Shipping marking shall comply with ASTM-D3951 and the
following additional instructions. No shipping marking shall be placed directly on the
adapters. Commercial shipping tags attached with wire shall be used unless otherwise
specified. The following information shall be shown: Item name and model number, part
number and revision, contract number, and date, name and address of manufacturer. If
adapters are bundled, boxed or bulk-contained, the gross weight and quantity shall be
included. The above information may be placed on bulk-containers or boxes by labeling
or stenciling.
5.4 Shipping. When adapters from more than one lot are shipped at one time, each
lot shall be kept separate and the division between lots clearly indicated to prevent
mixing lots in transit.
6. Notes
(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be
helpful, but is not mandatory.)
6.1 Intended use. These metal adapters are intended for use with metal pallets
when unitizing packaged ammunition containers.
6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents must specify the following:
Title, number and date of this specification.
Type of adapter (see 1.2).
Applicable stock number.
Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required, the
specific issue of individual documents referenced (see 2.1.1 and 2.2).
First article sample requirements. Contractual provisions shall require
that the unit load test (as per MIL-STD-1660) will be performed at the
U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center and School USADACS),
SMCAC-DEV, Savanna, IL 61074-9639
Packaging requirements, if other than specified in Section 5.
Serialization requirements, if applicable.
Certificate of Conformance for each lot of shipment of product.
6.3 Submission of alternative quality conformance provisions. Unless otherwise
specified in the contract, proposed alternative quality conformance provisions will be
submitted by the contractor for evaluation by the technical activity responsible for the
preparation of this specification.
6.4 Submission of contactor equipment designs for approvals. Submit copies of
designs as required to: Commander, U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and
Engineering Center, ATTN: SMCAR-QAR-I, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000. This
address will be specified on the Contract Data Requirements List, DD Form 1423 in the
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