| ![]() MIL-A-81359(AS)
System By-Pass - The system shall provide a by-pass mode which will
enable the pilot to release stores when the programmer is in the off position. This will pro-
vide a step release from selected stations, for each depression of the weapon release button.
An optional external jumper cable can be supplied with each system to enable normal stores
release if it becomes necessary to remove the programmer from the aircraft for any reason.
Pulse Width - The duty cycle of the output pulses shall be 50 percent of
the output pulse interval described in 3.4.5 with accuracies as follows:
Pulse Interval
40 pct
2 0 - 5 0 ms
10 pct
5 0 - 2 0 0 0 ms
In the step mode, the pulse width shall be determined by the pilot. The leading edge of the
release pulse shall occur, when the pilot manually starts a step drop. The trailing edge of
the" pulse shall occur when the pilot manually ends the drop.
System Tone Closure - The system shall provide a closure for an exter-
nal audio tone when stores are released. In ripple, the closure shall be provided at the
start of a quantity drop and be removed when the last store of the quantity has been released
(see 3.4.4). In the step mode the closure shall be provided at the same time and during the
same duration as the pulse width described in 3.4.7.
Firing Current - During the firing pulse, the system shall be able to pro-
vide 10 amperes at 28 volts dc to each station being fired. The firing pulse will be of a
duration as described in 3.4.7.
Leakage Current - The current, except during actual firing, shall be zero.
System Outputs - The system shall provide fire pukes, at the proper cur-
rent as specified in 3.4.9.
Fail-Safe Provisions - Fail-safe provisions shall be incorporated into the
design of the system such that any failure in the output driver stages shall not result in any
type of spurious release signals.
Single Test Point Provision - A single test connector shall be provided in
the system such that all out put driver circuits can be interrogated from this one point when
the system is installed in the aircraft.
Aircraft Weapons Inventory Provisions - A single test connector shall be
provided in the system such that all output driver circuits can be monitored for weapons
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