| ![]() MIL-A-81359(AS)
Detail Requirement
Control, Aircraft Weapons Release Set C-6682(*)/AWE-1 - The control
unit shall meet the requirements of Specification MIL-C-81360(AS) and be capable of con-
trolling the following functional factors: (See figure 2.)
Function - The control is the unit of the system which selects the
operating modes of the system. The control shall determine the following:
Quantity Select - The number of stores to be released.
Drop Interval - The time period between the release of stores. Multiplier - The increasing of the drop interval by a factor of ten or unity.
Mode Outputs - The patterns or methods in which stores are released.
The release of stores is as follows, with the modes of release as described in 3.4.2. Step Singles - The release of a single stores as desired by a manually
actuated release button. Step Pairs - The release of a pair of stores by a manually actuated
release button. Step Salvo - The simultaneous release of stores from all stations by a
manually actuated release button. Ripple Singles - The release of a selected quantity of single stores at a
selected drop interval. Ripple Pairs - The release of a selected quantity of pairs of stores at a
selected drop interval. Ripple Salvo - The simultaneous release of a selected quantity of of stores
from all stations at a selected drop interval.
Programmer, Aircraft Weapons Release Set MX-7016(*)/AWE-1 - The
programmer shall meet the requirements of Specification MIL-P-81361(AS) and be capable of
controlling the followlng functions: (See figure 2.)
Function - The programmer is the unit of the system which generates the
fire pulse train required to release stores from the aircraft in accordance with commands
received from the weapon release stitch, control, and stores information that may be avail-
able from the aircraft weapons stations. The unit shall be capable of operating from one to
nine stores racks by the proper addition of loglc modules to the basic package composed of
the following:
Logic Power Supply - This power supply provides all logic level voltages
required by the programmer.
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