| ![]() MIL-A-81359(AS)
Station Transfer Logic - Transfer logic provides release of stores from
the highest priority stations first, then automatically changes to the next lower priority
station(s) selected and continues releasing stores until the selected number of stores have
been released.
Output Drivers - A driver is provided for each weapon station to supply
the necessary firing pulse(s) for stores release.
Quantity Select Logic - This logic limits the number of ripple output
pulses to the quantity selected by the pilot at the control.
Fire Pulse Counter - The programmer provides a fire pulse counter for
each weapon station. If a rack is providing an identification signal indicating a multiple
store (2 through 6 rounds) and this signal is not removed by the time 6 fire pulses are
counted, the fire pulse counter itself will generate the station transfer signal. If a rack is
providing an indication signal indicating a multiple store (7 or more rounds) the fire pulse
counter circuit will be disabled.
Indicator, Aircraft Weapons Release Set ID-1310(*)/AWE-1 - The indi-
cator shall meet the following requirements:
Function - The indicator shall provide an instantaneous store indication,
in decimal form, of the quantity of stores remaining at any weapon station at any time.
Form Factor - The indicator shall conform to the dimensions shown in
Figure 4. It shall be mounted in the cockpit.
Weight - The weight of the indicator shall not exceed 2 pounds.
Contents - The indicator shall contain a decimal counting unit (0-9) for
each station. The count indication shall drop by one digit each time the unit is pulsed by the
output of the programmer.
Controls - Each decimal unit of the stores inventory display is to be
manually preset to any number available (0-9) directly at the panel itself.
Electrical Connections - A single connector shall be provided for elec-
trical connection to the programmer.
Design Data - No data is required by this specification (other than reports
accompanying samples submitted for testing) or by applicable documents, unless specified in
the contract or ordered (see 6.7).
Responsibility for Inspection - Unless otherwise specified in the contract
or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection require-
ments as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own
facilities or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government, The Government
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