| MIL-A-85116(AS) Solderability. This test shall be performed on units subjected
to the all-fire test (see There shall be no special preparation
of terminals prior to testing. Testing shall be in accordance with MIL-STD
202, Test Method 208. The leads sh 11 meet the requirements of
4.4.3 Environmental tests. Thermal shock. The actuator shall be tested In accordance with
MIL-STD-202, Test Method 107, Test Condition A, with the exceptions as
(a) The high temperature shall be +71 2C in lieu of +85 +3, -OC.
(b) The exposure duration at each temperature shall be 4 hours min-
imum . Mechanical shock. This test shall be performed in accordance
with MIL-STD-202, Test Method 213, Test Condition F. The actuator shall be
rigidly mounted in a manner which permits testing after environmental expo-
sure. The shock pulse shall approximate a half-sine wave. Each actuator
shall receive three pulses, one each in the following axes:
(a) Longitudinal axis of the actuator, vertical with the leads up.
(b) Longitudinal axis of the actuator, vertical with the leads down.
(c) Longitudinal axis of the actuator, horizontal. High frequency vibration. This test shall be performed in accord-
ance with MIL-STD-202, Test Method 204B, Test Condition D. The actuator
shall be rigidly mounted to the test equipment and the lead wires secured.
The frequency range shall be 10 to 2,000 hertz (Hz) +10 percent with a
vibration amplitude of 0.4 inch double amplitude or 30 gravity units, which-
ever is less. Cycling rate shall be 20 2 minutes from 10 to 2,000 Hz and
back to 10 Hz. The vibration time shall be 4 hours in each of three mutually
pendicular axes (12 hours total). Temperature and humidity test (modified). The actuator shall be
subjected to a modified temperature and humidity test of 14 days duration
in accordance with MIL-STD-331, Test 105.1, Test Procedure 5.1 (two chamber
method). The test shall be in accordance with the time cycle and conditions
specified for the first 14 days of Test 105.1 of MIL-STD-331. Low temperature. The actuator shall be tested in accordance with
MIL-STD-810, Method 502. Unless otherwise specified in the contract (see
6.2.1), the test temperature shall be -48C for the 48-hour period of the
test. At the conclusion of the 48-hour period, the test temperature shall be
adjusted and maintained at -43C and the actuator shall meet the requirements
of and (see Tables I and II),
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