| MIL-A-85116(AS) High temperature. The actuator shall be tested in accordance with
MIL-STD-810, Method 501. The test temperature shall be +71C for the 48-hour
period of the test. At the conclusion-of the 48-hour period, the test tem-
perature shall be adjusted and maintained at +57C and the actuator shall
meet the requirements of and (see Tables I and II).
5.1 Preservation, packaging, and packing. Preservation, packaging, and
packing shall be as specified In the contract (see 6.2.1). Containers shall
be in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations 49, CFR Parts 171-178 and
regulations of other carriers applicable to the mode of transportation.
5.2 Marking. The packing containers shall be marked in accordance with
MIL-STD-129. Marking for the exterior containers shall be in accordance with
the Code of Federal Regulations 49, CFR Parts 171-178.
The actuator is intended for use with a guided missile.
6,1 Intended use.
6,2 Ordering data.
Procurement documents should specify the
6.2.1 Procurement requirements.
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(b) Minimum standards for working environments if different than
(c) When a first article is required, it should be tested and ap-
proved under the appropriate provisions of 7-104.55 of the
Defense Acquisition Regulations (DAR). The first article
should be a preproduction sample consisting of 60 actuators
as specified in 3.4. The contracting officer should include
specific instructions in all procurement instruments, re-
garding arrangements for examinations, tests and approval
of the first article.
(d) Responsibility for inspection and inspection facility if dif-
ferent than 4.1.
(e) Inspection lot size (see 4.201).
(f) Storage/temperature period if different from
(g) Preservation, packaging and packing requirements (see 5.1).
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